Twenty Four

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Rosey's POV

"Rosey, Mom wants to talk to you," Demi said from the doorway. I froze in fear. Demi decided she was going to take Maddie and leave me with her mother alone. Millions of reasons why she'd hate me and want to hurt me were running through my head. Sure she seemed to like me before Demi told her, but now I'm sure she hates me if she didn't already before. I mean she could've been putting up an act around Demi so Demi wouldn't be able to stop her from hurting me. 

"Hey hun," she said as she sat on the bed next to me, pulling me out of my thoughts. Instinctively I scooted away and pulled my knees up to my chest for protection. I watched as she gave me a sad smile and sighed. "I talked to Demi and she wanted me to try to talk to you," she started. Usually I'm pretty good at reading people and for some reason I can't find any anger in her eyes. 

"What exactly did Demi tell you?" I asked out of curiosity. She looked shocked that I spoke up and it was more thank one word.

"She told me what happened with your dad, and um... that you're pregnant," she said hesitantly. I could feel the tears prickling in my eyes from her statement. 

"He's not my dad," I spat angrily. 

"You're right, not anymore. You're Demi's child now and he's just a part of the past sweetie," she said sweetly while she rested a hand on my shoulder. I flinched at first causing her to remove her hand. My mind was going in so many different directions. I honestly don't know if she kept talking or if she just sat there looking at me.

"You're not mad?" I asked randomly.

"What? Why would I be mad?" she said confused. 

"Because of me there's so much more responsibility on your daughter. I'm just going to stress her out with this baby and make her unhappy. I thought you'd be angry about that," I mumbled, but she seemed to pick up every single word I said. 

"Demi can handle it sweetie. Neither me or Demi are mad about the baby. Demi's just really worried about you. She's your mother now so it's her job to worry about you, just like I worry about her, Maddie, and Dallas. She's an adult and she knows how to handle stress, but your still just a kid and you shouldn't have to be going through this. Demi's worried that you wont be able to handle it. That's why she wanted me to talk to you. She knows how scared you are, and it's okay to be scared. I was scared too when I was pregnant with all three of mine. Maybe I wasn't under the same circumstances as you, but I still have been through it three times," she said. I smiled at her to try and keep myself from crying, but it wasn't working. She noticed exactly what I was doing. "You can cry hun, it's okay to cry," she said as she wrapped her arms around me. I settled into her embrace. 

"I'm so scared!" I cried over and over again while she held me.

"I know, but you don't need to be. Just take it one step at a time. Demi told me you have your first doctors appointment today?" she questioned once I had calmed down some. I shakily nodded my head. I'm stressing out so much about it. I really don't want to go.

"Okay well then lets start with that. All that's going to happen is your going to meet your doctor, she'll talk to you and Demi about what to expect, and run a few tests to make sure you're healthy and your uh... he didn't give you anything," she said. I nodded. "Oh and you might have to get a whooping couch shot, but I'm not sure," she added. Of course I tensed up at the thought of getting a shot. "It doesn't hurt, I promise," she laughed. I groaned. "Do you have anything you want to talk about, or are you ready to go find Demi?" she asked sorta laughing at me still. I shook my head as I got off the bed. She followed me. When I stood up I gave her a proper hug.

"Thank you," I said still crying some.

"You're welcome hun, but you don't have to thank me. You're family now, that's what family does," she said making more tears come to my eyes. This is what having a family feels like. We walked out of the room and you could see Demi in the kitchen at the end of the hall. Dianna followed me to Demi. I wipped the tears from my eyes as I walked into the kitchen. 

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