boom bitch

271 13 15

(If I dont keep the updates coming you can beat me with chancletas)

(If I dont keep the updates coming you can beat me with chancletas)

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Mugman: excuse me?

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Mugman: excuse me?

Mugman: excuse me?

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Cuphead: normal

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Cuphead: normal...childhood.


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Bendy: cardio, exercise and steak!

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Bendy: cardio, exercise and steak!

Bendy: cardio, exercise and steak!

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Bendy: aw gawsh thank you!

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Bendy: aw gawsh thank you!

Bendy: aw gawsh thank you!

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Mugman: of course im going to his wedding

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Mugman: of course im going to his wedding... He's my brother!

 He's my brother!

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Bendy: I haven't seen him in a while but im sure he's fine?

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Bendy: I haven't seen him in a while but im sure he's fine?

(Ima try and post a song on each update for u to listen to uwu)

(One of my fave songs from my fave musical!)

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