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blondiebrielle: First party in my new town! I'm so excited to get to be with my cousin hannah

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

blondiebrielle: First party in my new town! I'm so excited to get to be with my cousin hannah.baker every day now 💕

hannah.baker: I'm so excited to be with you every day too, cousin! 😘

username: We already miss you so much back home!

username: You look beautiful as usual!

username: Don't get into too much trouble at that party, we all know how you like to act at parties 😂

jessicadavis.cheer: So you're the new girl! I didn't realize that you're Hannah's cousin! Can't wait to meet you ☺️

lovelylittlesherri: You're gorgeous! I can't wait to meet you either!

ladieslovebryceman: Come see me at the party, girl. You're smokin hot 🤤

marcusforpresident: Mmm, come see me too 😜

darksoulalex: Seriously guys? You're harassing the new girl before you've even met her. Hi, Brielle! I look forward to Hannah introducing us!

username: Don't let the cute face fool y'all, she loves getting some dick

courtneycrimsonsweetheart: You are stunning!

shaver.ryanjournalist: Fuck off, Courtney. Stop hitting on the new girl. Your hair slays, girl!

bigzach: Come meet me at the party! I love getting to know new people 🙂

theyallscreammonty: I think we have a new winner for the hottest girl at Liberty 😏

                                                                     Load more comments...

"So, you've got all of the jock guys' eyes on you... which one is your type?" "Make sure you don't say Justin though, that's Jessica's boyfriend." Jessica and Sherri said one after another. Hannah had introduced me to them not long after we arrived to the party and I clicked with them both pretty well. They were the kind of girls that I was used to being friends with. Pretty, popular, cheerleaders, grew up with money, and with a touch of bitchy. Hannah was the complete opposite of what I was used to but she was my cousin, so I loved her regardless. I never understood why she's so damn insecure either considering that she's gorgeous. I had learned that even though Hannah was friends with both Jessica and Sherri, they weren't really all that close. They were kind of more on the verge of being frenamies than anything. Clay was siting with all of us girls' too and I could tell from the second that I met him that he has it bad for my cousin. She was throwing mixed signals though, so I couldn't decide exactly how she felt about him. I'd be sure to ask her later when we were alone though. "Um... there's only one that completely fits what I would normally go for." I told the girls' and they looked at me for more answers. "I haven't officially met him or anything yet, so I don't know his name... but.... he's that one right there." I said while discretely pointing at the mystery boy. Jessica and Sherri started laughing and Hannah and Clay's eyes both went wide and they vigorously shook theirs heads no. "What? Is there something wrong with him?" I asked confused. This time everyone laughed. "You could say that." Clay chuckled and I crinkled my eyebrows together in confusion. He looked perfectly normal to me. "That's Montgomery De La Cruz, or Monty as most people call him. He's your typical jock. He plays football and baseball and he's pretty fucking awesome at both, I'll give him that much, but he's a huge dick." Jessica explained while we all stared at Monty. "Well, aren't all guys dicks to some extent? No offense, Clay." I said with a smile. "Monty isn't your average dick. He's a huge bully and has major anger problems. You just look at him the wrong way and he's beating the shit out of you." "He'll also stick his penis into anything with a vagina." Hannah and Sherri were the next ones to describe him to me. I cocked my head to the side as I watched him with curious eyes. I knew I should stay away, but as someone who was hugely into psychology, I felt like maybe he was just misunderstood. Maybe his reputation was just based on rumors or a couple of mistakes that didn't define him. I had experience with that myself. Everyone at my old school thought that I was some huge bitch and a total whore but I was more than that. Sure, I'd been with a few guys', but nothing out of the ordinary for a 17 year old girl. Yes, I could be a little bitchy at times, but who couldn't l? I was a totally different person that people pegged me to be... so what if he was the same way? "Does he have a bad home life or something?" I questioned and they all shrugged their shoulders. That made sense. He was probably very closed off and didn't show any emotions other than what he chose for people to see. I couldn't figure out why, but I just knew that there was more than what met the eye with him. "I'm gonna go get a drink." I told everyone before getting up. "Be careful, Bri..." Hannah warned but I ignored her. She knew better than to tell me to not go over there. She knew me like the back of her hand and she knew that I was going to form my own opinion about the school bully. I walked into the kitchen and purposely walked right by him on my way to get a drink. I could feel his eyes along with his friends' eyes roaming all over my body but it wasn't anything that I wasn't used to. I knew I was a good looking girl and that I had a good body. I was more than that but I had learned how to use my outer appearance to my temporary advantage until people got to know the real me. It was all about playing the game these days and I'd damn sure learned out to play it. I purposely poked my hip out as I fixed my drink and it was no more than a few seconds later whenever I felt a hand on the sole of my back. I turned around and smugly smiled at the fact that it was him. "Got your attention, didn't I?" I flirted and he smirked. "You're bold, I like that. You're the new girl, aren't you?" "Is anyone ever gonna learn my name or just keep calling me the new girl?" I chuckled and he did the same. "You're right, my bad. What's you're name?" "Brielle. And you?" I batted my eyelashes some. "Brielle... I like that. I don't think I've ever heard that name before. I'm Montgomery but you can call me Monty." He was full of himself. I could tell by the way that he said "I'm Montgomery but you can call me Monty". It wasn't the word choice but the way that he said it that caused my arrogance radars to go off. "Are your parents from Alabama or something?" I joked while walking through the kitchen, him hot on my trail. I saw the group of guys that he was hanging out with watching us with smug looks on their faces. Of course they'd be proud of their friend for catching the attention of "the new girl". He laughed and he actually had a really nice one. I liked the sound of it. It didn't sound forced either, completely natural. Like he actually thought what I said was funny and not like he was just trying to reel me in for a quick fuck. "You wanna know the truth behind my name?" He laughed and I nodded with a smile while sipping on my drink. "I was conceived in Montgomery, Alabama. So, my parents went with that name whenever they found out that I was a boy." He shrugged his shoulders and I nodded. "I bet you get that question a lot, don't you?" "Na, never actually. You're the first person to ever say anything about it." He responded to me immediately. We were sitting on the couch in the living room now and I could feel Hannah, Jessica, Sherri, and Clay watching us from across the room. "What about your name? Where does something so different like Brielle come from?" He asked, completely intrigued. Again, it didn't seem like any of this was fake. He seemed actually interested in getting to know me. "My story is not cool like yours..." I started before smiling at him and taking another sip of my drink. "So, my dad liked the name Brianna but my mom liked the name Elle. They argued about it nonstop until my grandmother finally suggested putting the two names together. They came up with Brielle and fell in love with it. And the rest is history." I chuckled with a little shrug of my shoulders. "Well I'm glad that they came up with that name because it's fucking awesome, I'm serious." He smiled brightly and I did the same. What the hell were they talking about? He wasn't some monster like they portrayed him to be. He didn't seem any different than how 90% of high school boys are. "Monday is your first day, right?" He asked after a second and I nodded my head while chugging down the rest of my drink. "What grade are you gonna be in?" "I'll be a junior. What about you?" I asked and he looked away a little embarrassed. "What's wrong? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you or anything." I quickly tried to apologize. "No, it's all good. I'm supposed to be a senior but I kind of fucked up a lot last year and have to repeat like three of my classes. If I put in the work, then I can still graduate on time but in all honesty, I'm not the best at school. Now sports? I can do that shit in my sleep but I'm not too smart so I struggle." He admitted and scratched the back of his neck. There's no way that he's who people think that he is or he never would've admitted that to me. He would've continued to sit on his thrown all high and mighty. "Well, looks like you've lucked out then." I grinned and he gave me a confused little smile and raised his eyebrow. "Not to toot my own horn or anything but I'm really good at school. If you want, I can tutor you with whatever you need help with." I offered and his eyes lit up at my words. "You'd really do that for me?" He rushed out and I couldn't help but to chuckle. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?" "Well, no one else wants to help me out. I mean, I'm sure you've heard about me some considering that you were over there with Hannah, Jessica, Sherri, and Clay and they all fucking hate me. Honestly, people are usually too scared to even talk to me once they've heard my reputation." He mumbled and I was surprised with his honesty. "Hannah's my cousin." I informed him and he looked surprised. "I can't believe you're even giving me a chance then. She really hates me." He chuckled. "Hannah doesn't hate anyone. She just doesn't like the things that you do." I told him with a small shrug of my shoulders. "The things that I do?" He questioned and I nodded my head before answering. "Yeah... bullying people, apparently having a horrible temper, and fucking girls left and right. That's what I've heard, at least. Maybe people do have good reason to not like you, but I give everyone a chance on my own." I said confidently and to my surprise, he smiled. "You're blunt... I love whenever people are honest. It makes me respect you. You're cool as fuck in my book, Elle." "Elle?" I smiled at the use of a nickname I had never been called before. "Yeah. I assume that everyone else calls you Bri as a nickname but you'll soon find out that I'm not like everyone else. So, I'm gonna call you Elle." He told me while we both went back into the kitchen to get some more alcohol into our systems. "Well then, I think that I'll call you Gomery since everyone else calls you Monty as your nickname." I smirked and so did he. "I like that. But only you can call me that." He flirted. "Good, I like being special." I flirted back while placing my hand on his rock hard bicep as he poured us both a shot. He handed me my shot and we both smirked at each other before clinking our glasses together and tossing back the shots. "I can already tell, you are special, Elle."

He Was A Stranger {Montgomery De La Cruz}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα