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This is Angel the Cannibal's friend and I have something to rant about.

......... my friends are trying to destroy my life and make it a living hell! They are calling my bf a man hoe and me a bitch.... AND ONE OF THEM IS ALREADY A BITCH AND A HOE HERSELF! The other one I thought was truly my BFF but I was wrong she wants us to destroy us to I KNOW WHAT HAPPENED LAST YEAR BUT I WILL TAKE FULL RESPONSIBLITY IF I EVER DID THAT AND NOT TELL EVERYONE I GOSH DAMN KNOW AND RUIN THAT PERSONS LIFE!!! IM NOT THE WELL MINDLY STUPID NOW AM I?! TO THE TWO GIRLS THAT WANT TO RUIN MY LIFE YOU BETTER TRY HARD AND DONT LET ME CATCH ANYTHING YOU DO CAUSE I CAN HOLD THAT AGAINST YOU LIKE YOU ARE DOING TO ME NOW!!!!!!!!! Ok I'm done Angel the Cannibal's friend out... PEACE!

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