Chapter 13

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A few weeks later, I'm rolling out of bed at almost 11 am. I'm confused at first as I scratch my head, looking around the room. For the past month or so, I've been woken up by Sam physically coming to my house and into my room around 9 am.

I'm a bit worried, so I grab my phone to see not a single text from him. That's when I see a folded white sheet of paper on the pillow I wasn't sleeping on. "Morning sunshine. I know you're probably wondering where I am and why I didn't wake you up after leaving this note here, believe me, it was hard. Well you'll see me later on, but right now, AFTER you get ready for the day in casual clothing, go downstairs. Your day is about to start. Love you Mally bean. See ya soon."

I find myself with a stupid grin on my face, but I shake it off before quickly going off to get ready.

I pick up my phone and slide my feet into my Chaco's before going down the stairs. I'm confused again when I don't see my favorite brown eyed boy, but 3 of his wing men in my living room, watching tv. "Uh... Hey guys. What are you doing here?"

"About time you're up." Brayden says, shoving a donut in his mouth. A donut from my kitchen.

I step off the stairs finally and walk over to the living room. "What? How long have you been here? And again I repeat, why?"

"Strict orders from a Mr. Samuel Harrison Boggs." Calvin says, standing up and facing me. "No time for questions, are you ready to go?"

"Ready to go wh-" I say, getting more confused and slightly frustrated.

Tri is the one to come up then and starts to push me to the door. "He said no time for questions, let's go!"


I'm in the back seat of Calvin's truck with Tri as Brayden and Cal are in the front. I'm still confused to where we're going, and frankly, it's starting to piss me off. I hate surprises. Sam knows this. Everyone knows this.

"Alright, the list of things to do today." Brayden says, pulling a piece of folded paper out of his pocket.

I lean up enough to where I can see Sam's chicken scratch of writing but not enough to tell what it says. "Can I see?"

"Number 1, don't let Mallory see the list." Brayden says, reading the paper aloud.

I sigh and lean back in my seat again. "It's not like he's gonna know! Just tell me!"

"Oh he'll know." Tri says, looking over at me with wide eyes.

I laugh just a bit before smirking at him. "C'mon Tri. You know you like me better than him anyway!"

"True....." I can tell he's thinking about it, but Brayden and Calvin jump in then.

"TRI!" They yell back to him and I can't help but laugh again, even though I'm still ridiculously confused and frustrated.

It's quiet for a moment before Brayden continues on with the list. "Number 2, tell her she's gorgeous, because God knows every second of her life, she is."

Cal looks at me through the rear view mirror and we're both smiling. I sigh and prop my elbow up on the window seal, resting my head against my hand. "Fine."


A few minutes later, we're pulling into Chik Fil A and I immediately feel my stomach grumbling. Brayden reads from the list again. "Number 3, take her to Chik Fil A, because I'm pretty sure she loves it more than she loves me. And she's gonna want a milkshake after she eats too."

And so we did. And I went with a cookies and cream milkshake. Pretty soon, we're walking back to the car and Brayden is reading the next thing on the list.

"Number 3, take her to play mini golf, because even though it is the most boring game in the world, it gives her so much happiness. And she'll kick your ass in it too."

"YES! Mini golf!" I say with enthusiasm as Cal pulls out of the parking lot.

Tri groans and frowns, checking the list again. "No! I suck at mini golf! I think the list said go to a strip club."

"....or nah." I laugh and shake my head.

Calvin and Brayden look at the list again. "ACTUALLY..."

"Ok first of all, it's 1:30 in the afternoon on a Tuesday. Who goes to a strip club then? Second,....MINI GOLF, BOYS!"

An hour and half later, we're on hole 16. And just as my lovely boyfriend suspected, I'm kicking butt and taking names.

"Tri, you've hit it like 8 times and you're not even close. You wanna call it and move on?" Cal asks, laughing.

He shakes his head and hits it again, moving it further away. "Nah man, I got this! I'm gonna come back and win!"

"We have 2 holes left and you're behind Mallory by..." Brayden checks the score sheet and laughs. "37 points. Face it man."

"Bitch don't kill my vibe," he replies before hitting and missing yet again.


"Number 4, take her to Barnes and Noble. She'll spend forever in there because she's one of those people that likes to read. I still have no idea why. Buy her whatever she picks out though."

Before Brayden even gets it out of his mouth, I'm squealing and clapping my hands. "Yes yes yes!"

And he was right. 2 hours later, we're finally walking out of the store and I have 4 books ahead of me to read. I only let them buy 2 though, even though Calvin basically had a hissy fit in the store about it.

Once in the truck, Brayden pulls out the paper yet again. "The final thing, number 5, take her to Ali's. Ali knows what to do from there. Thanks guys."

That's what stumped me big time. What the hell is all this for and where is Sam anyway?

Only a few minutes later, the guys drop me off at Ali's house and before I can ring the doorbell, she's pulling me inside. "Bout time you got here! Brian and Ella went to his Mom's and I've been looking for you for 2 hours!"

She's pushing me up the stairs and into her bedroom. "Can you please me what's going on? I've been to freaking Nova Scotia and back today."

"But you've had fun though, right?" She asks with a sweet smile.

I let out a sigh before nodding. "Yeah, but Sam wasn't there. Where is he, can you at least tell me that?"

"I can't actually. But I can tell you you'll see him in just about an hour or so. And he picked this out all by himself for you to wear." She pulled me to the bed where there lay a short, strapless coral summer dress with a floral lacy pattern around the top of the hem. Laying beside it were cute sandals and jewelry to match.

My eyes lit up and I ran a hand over the dress. "He really picked this out himself?"

She giggled and nodded. "Well, the dress anyway. He had to have help with the jewelry and shoes. Now let's do your hair and makeup before put all this on!"

45 minutes later, I'm stepping down Ali's stairs as she is waiting at the bottom. "Oh my gosh, you look so gorgeous! I'm so jealous of your tan."

I smile, blushing and shaking my head. "Thank you. Now is it time to see Sam?"

She smiles and nods eagerly. "Yep yep! I have to take you back to your house now."

"My house? What?" Now I'm even more confused. This day has been a freaking whirlwind.

Grabbing her keys, Ali takes my hand without saying a word and practically drags me to her car.

When we get to my house, I notice no one is home, that being odd for a Tuesday night. I look to Ali again, "now what?"

"There's something and somebody waiting for you in the backyard. Go on." She smiles and I can tell she's bursting at the seams to tell me what's going on.

I step out of the car and run my hands down my dress, getting rid of the wrinkles before starting to walk to the back gate.

It's getting dark out, but when I open the gate, I'm surprised at what I see.

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