Chapter 10

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About 3 weeks later

Sam's POV

I walk into Mallory's house as usual around 9 am. I didn't plan on waking up this early and I knew she wouldn't be either, but I decided to come anyway.

"Hey dude. What's up?" Her brother, Dylan, said from the couch.

I slapped his hand as I walked behind the couch. "Sup dude. Mal still asleep?"

"You know it." He said with a mouth full of cereal. "What y'all gonna do today?"

"I don't know yet. Wait, don't you have your own apartment?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

He turns to look back at me now. "Free food here though, man."

I laugh before starting to the stairs. "I got you." I try to go up the stairs as quietly as I can before going into Mal's room.

I tease her a lot, but I swear I love this girl more than life. Plus, she's probably the cutest person on the planet when she's asleep.

With a grin, I walk over and crawl onto her bed and lay on top of her. It's only half a second before I hear her grumpy groan and I let out a laugh. Mal's never been a morning person and I've never helped that.

Mallory's POV

I'm sound asleep and all warm and cuddly under my blankets when I feel something the size of big foot plop down on top of me and I can only think of one thing.

"Saaaaam" I groan, already frowning with frustration before I open my eyes.

"Yesssss?" He says innocently at my ear.

My eyes open slowly and I roll them before looking at him completely, still frowning. "Get your ass off of me."

"Good morning to you too, sugar boogar!" He says delightfully before planting a wet, sloppy kiss on my cheek with a smile that has to hurt his cheeks.

I can't help but let out a laugh before rolling my eyes. "Why are you so chipper this morning?"

"Because I'm looking at you, pumpkin!" He says still in the perky fake voice.

"Shut up!" I laugh and push his cheeks together with my hands.

He laughs and leans forward to kiss my nose. "I don't know, I just woke up early and I didn't wanna wait til you woke up, so I just came on over now and here we are."

I pull my hands away and kiss his nose now, ruffling his hair. "Aww well aren't you sweet."

He grins and lays his head on my chest, nudging his head under my chin. "Yeah yeah, only to you whore."

Smiling, I let one arm wrap around his body before my other hand slides up into his hair, allowing my fingers to run through his soft brown hair.

He moans quietly near my ear, making me smile again knowing he is too. "I could wake up like this every day."

My smile fades and I start to frown. He must notice because he turns to look up at me. "What?"

"Sam, we're gonna have to go back to school in less than 2 months. What happens to us then? We didn't even talk about this." I say, starting to panic slightly. My frown grows deeper.

He sits up and looks back at me, taking my hand. "Mal, calm down. We'll figure something out. I don't care what I have to do to be with you, I'll do it, whatever it is. We didn't talk about it because it's not a problem."

"What do you mea-" I start to say, getting frustrated.

He puts his finger to my mouth and I can see a grin curling onto one side of his mouth. "Shh. It's gonna be ok. Just relax for now, ok? I'm not gonna let us just fall apart, I swear to you. You trust me?"

It takes a second, but I smile and nod, causing him to drop his finger. "Yes sugar boogar, I do."

He laughs and throws himself on top of me again, instantly putting his hands on my sides and tickling me, causing me to squirm and squeal.


It's early in the afternoon when Sam and I are walking through the mall. My eyes light up as soon as I see the SALE sign in the window of my favorite store.

"Do I really have to go in there with you?" Sam whined as I pulled him into Victoria's Secret.

"I just spent 2 hours in Dick's with you. Yes you have to go!" I laughed before looking back at him after we entered the store. "Besides, you've always done this. Whined when we go in, but then you see all the bras and stuff and you're perfectly fine."

Sam looked around and a wide grin spread across his face before looking back at me. "Oh yeah. Now I remember."

I rolled my eyes and laughed before finding my way to the bathing suits. It was definitely time for a new one, even though I had a million of them already. Plus, they were having a sale. How could I refuse?

After a moment, I realized Sam wasn't next to me. I turned to see him a couple tables over holding up a leopard print bra to his chest. "I think you should get this one!"

A woman next to him scowled and rolled her eyes. That's when I quickly walked over to him and pulled him back to the table where I was. "Sometimes I'm not sure you're suitable for public places."

He laughed and looked down at the bikinis on the table, his eyes lighting up again. "I think you should always come to this store."

When I glanced up at him, he was eyeing me with a smirk. I pushed his chest and laughed, feeling my cheeks warm up. I've known him forever, but even the slightest thing he says can make me get butterflies and I love that.

A couple minutes later, I was trying on bathing suits in the dressing room. Sam was sitting outside my room, holding our bags. I tried on 3 before I finally deciding on 2 of them. I couldn't decide between the 2 so I got an idea.

I try both of them on and take a picture in each one before sending them to Sam and asking, "which one?"

Opening the dressing room door just a crack, I watch as he looks down at his phone after it vibrates. A wide eyed, goofy grin settles onto his face before he rapidly texts back. I giggle as I shut the door and see his reply, "BOTH!"


Later that evening, Sam and I come back to my house. He drops my bags onto the couch before following me into the kitchen.

I found a note on the refrigerator that said my parents went to dinner with Sam's mom and they would be back later.

Suddenly Sam was behind me, wrapping his arms around me and leaning down to kiss my cheek. "Mmm no parents?"

"Apparently. Why? What ya gonna do about it?" I giggle, leaning into him slightly and putting my hand up to his cheek.

He growls in my ear and I let out a loud laugh before turning in his arms. "You suck at this whole sexy talk thing."

He laughs before quickly bending down and grabbing behind my knees, lifting me up. "I don't suck at the rest of it!"

"Sam, no!" I squeal, laughing slightly as he carries me up the stairs and to my room, dropping me gently on my bed.

He doesn't give me time to say anything before his lips crash onto mine and he crawls over me. Things are getting heated quickly as his hands slide up under my shirt.

I quickly pull away, and push my hands against his chest. "Sam, stop!"

Immediately pulling back, he looks down at me. "What, you ok?"

I sit up and rolls off me, sitting on the bed next to me but his eyes are searching my face. "I just... I want our first time back together to be special. I... I've missed you and it just feels like it should be memorable and special and... I know, I'm stupid, I just-"

"I get it, Mal. Don't worry. I want the same thing. I just get carried away sometimes, you know that." He says, embarrassed as he picks at my comforter. "It will be special though, I promise."

With a nod and a grin, I ruffle his hair before standing up and starting to go back downstairs when Sam's phone starts ringing.

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