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*Enter Mermaid versions of the Aph gang cuz im bored (Not just mermaid tails everyone is now a mermaid)*

Aph: this is super weird no host cuz we have to be in water hummm

*zane enters*

Zane: im your host for today hurray

Aph: your soooo cute look Garroth your bother is a crab

Garroth: oooohh isnt he just adorable lets take him home

Zane: *kinda yells* Not Right Now I Have A GAME Show To Do.

Aph asks zane why hes so cute

Zane : *facepalms*

Aaron: but your the adorable one here babe

Aph: *blushes*

Zane: next question

Aph: okay i have a question for Garroth

Garroth: oooooo okay

Aph ask Garroth if he was a stalker to who if he was at on point in his life

Garroth: *looks at her in fear😱*

Aph: i already knew that :p

Zane:hurry up we dont have all day these thing Lucinda made only last half of what a real of does

Kawaii~chan ask Everyone whos there OPT (like who they ship friends with) rn

Both zane a Kawaii~chan said: Aph and Aaron

Travis and Katelyn said: Zane~Chan

*peri and lapis enter*

Katelyn: OMI its peri and lapis to little balls of happiness *hugs them looks at them to see if real and scrunches there hair*

Peri: we are here to capture the blue one for lapis so she can have a blue friend * takes Katelyn* and the green one for myself to have another friend *takes Travis* Good Bye weird earth beings

*peri and lapis leave*

Aph: ........


*Steven enters*

Steven:Have you seen a short green girl gem thing and a taller blue girl gem thing

Gene: yes *nods* they captured out friends and we have to get to the surface of the water our time is almost out

Steven: come on we have to save your friends *puts down portal pod* get in

Everyone gets in

*The aph gang enters a room*

Katelyn and travis are now babys: *making baby sounds

Peri:Lapis look at my tiny human its so adorable

Lapis: peri look at mine it likes my water waves awwww

Aph:*whispers to steven* how in the world are we gonna get those guys back

Steven: okay i need your help i have an extra one of my shirts on hand all you have to do is bend your knees because your almost the same height put on the shirt and get the babys when you return the you will go back to the land and no be mermaids neither will they okay

Aph: oh my sprinkles thats alot of words okay *puts on stevens extra shirt and bends knees also tucks in hair*

Aph(more boyish voice): hey guys my i have those babys

Lapis: you mean the tiny humans

Aph: yes *thinks why didnt we just fuse probably because im from a different dimension

Peri: you can take mine but not lapises

Peri gives the baby to aph

Aph: okay *takes ze child*

Goes back to the group

To be continued


Aphmau with Truth or dare with the my street gang (Ai)Where stories live. Discover now