"Do you have a name?"

The taller one asked in a soft tone, to which I just nodded.

"Do you want to tell us what it is?"

I shook my head and looked down shyly, trying to have no communication whatsoever.

"It's ok. You don't have too. But do you have a home, or a family?"

I shook my head again, and hugged my knees as I started to cry.

"Hey... It's gonna be ok... Please don't cry..."

I felt contact on my head, and I jumped in fear as I scooted father back into my box.

The tall one that touched me looked at his hand for a second, and then looked back at me.

"You're...a hybrid, aren't you?"

He asked, looking at me with a sad expression.

I just looked down and nodded as I continued to cry. The other one reached his hand out to me, but I flinched and he pulled his hand away.

They sadly looked at me, and then started discussing something amongst themselves. While they were talking, I started feeling weaker than I already was. It was becoming hard for me to keep my eyes open and I felt really cold, colder than usual. Soon enough, I finally let my eyes close and my body went limp.

5 Hours Later

I woke up with something warm wrapped around me, and something wet on my head.

It was a cold wet cloth on my head, and a partially small blanket covering me. It was very fluffy and soft, and it made me feel safe.



*Where's my box?! How did I get in this place?! Where are my old clothes?! How did-*

I looked to my right, and I froze when I saw the same two strangers from earlier.

I whimpered in fear as I tried to get up, but I couldn't. Why am I so weak?

"Hi. Try not to move so much. We brought you here a few hours ago. You just passed out all in a sudden, and your skin was very hot despite the cold rain. We brought you back here and took your temperature, and you have a slight high fever"

The tall one explained.

"We couldn't just leave you out there. You probably would've died if we did. When you passed out, I caught you before you hit your head on the ground. We tried to wake you up, but you just reverted into your cat form... It wasn't until an hour ago that you turned back"

Said the other.

*Great... Now they've seen my true self... Curse my vulnerability...*

I thought cursing myself.

"We hope that you're not too upset with us Ash... We just really wanted to help you..."


I finally spoke out of confusion.

"So you can talk~!"

The shorter one exclaimed, making me flinch.

The taller put his hand on his shoulder, as if to signal him to calm down.

"We remember that you said you already have a name, but since you didn't want to tell us what it was, we decided to give you a nickname. It took a while, but we chose "Ash", because of your dark fur"

The taller explained.


"But we don't plan on sending you back out there alone again. So would you like to stay with us?"

I looked at the two of them, and I looked down in fear.

"Hey, if you're scared of us, we understand. We just want to give you a place to live. It'd hurt us to see you have to suffer anymore than you already have, and we promise to take good care of you"

He put his hand out to me again.

I hesitated a little, but I didn't move away. When I felt the contact, I flinched a little, but didn't move away.  

He started to softly pet my head, and I started to purr softly as my tail swayed slowly. For the first time, I felt safe with an actual human. I leaned into his touch from the pleasure that I was receiving.

"So cuuuuuute~"

The other cooed.

He stopped petting me, and I looked away blushing.

"So, will you stay here...?"

I thought about it for a few seconds.

I would finally have what I've always wanted: a place to call home, with humans that will actually help and love me. If this is my only chance, then I have to take it. I don't want to suffer anymore.


I finally answered.

They both came and hugged me, to which I hugged them back happily. I finally have a home of my own~.

"Aish! We forgot to introduce ourselves! I'm Taeyong, Lee Taeyong~!"

The shorter one exclaimed.

"I'm Seo Youngho, but I prefer to be called Johnny"

The taller smiled.

It was pretty easy for me to tell them apart. Not only because of their features and heights, but also because Taeyong has dark brown hair, while Johnny has light brown hair.

"If you're still not comfortable telling us your name, we can always call you Ash if you'd like"

Johnny informed, patting my head.

I shook my head and smiled. I like the name Ash, but I think that I can trust them enough to tell them my real name now. They are my new owners after all.

"My name is Mark, Mark Lee~"

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