CHAPTER TWO "Because that's what gamers do"

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They both made their way to the school principal, Joel already expecting Bryce to be sitting inside before them. 'Couldn't finish your chocolate shake this time, huh?' Joel said to Bryce upon entering the office. 'Not now, Metcalf' the principal said. To his surprise, Tracy was also sitting in the office not very far from the now-seated trio of learners, still as infuriated as seen with Sarah in the hallway.

'Here's the deal, you guys have already caused enough commotion at school this morning, and now we've got a broken cellphone. I'm willing to cover for the phone, but that doesn't leave you two unpunished. Three-hour detention at 13:00 this Friday, am I clear?' the principal said. 'Yes sir' replied Joel & Bryce in unison, already expecting the usual consequences to befall them.

'No not you Metcalf, it's for Bryce and miss... Martin, I presume? She's the one involved in the incident, and she's in for abandoning the mess she made in the hallway' the principal explained. 'Oh, I'm so sorry principal sir, it won't happen again' Sarah apologised. However, Joel wasn't having any of it.

'Sir, I won't accept this' he objected as he stood up from the seat right in front of the principal's desk. 'Oh boy, here we go again' Bryce thought to himself, looking down and putting his hand on his forehead in disbelief. 'Tracy is the one who didn't look where she was going. Why pin it on Sarah? The school rules state that no cellphones are allowed inside school premises, but sir overlooks that? If you're gonna make her sit detention then you'll have to make me do it too' Joel stated.

FRIDAY – 12th  April 2013


'Bold move there, idiot' Bryce said to Joel as they and Sarah sat in the detention room. 'Shut up' Joel replied. '...was worth a shot.' The room fell silent for a couple of moments before Sarah broke it. 'You guys didn't have to do this. I was the only one who Tracy had to deal with. Why did you?' she asked them both. 'Sarah we may be troublemakers but we're also trouble-breakers. We fight fire with fire.' Bryce responded. 'In short the answer is – We care' Joel added. 'Because that's what gamers do.'

'I'm really glad you two appreciated my speech, nobody pays much attention to when I talk about video games' Sarah explained. 'What about your friends?' Joel asked, confused. 'She just moved here you dummy!' Bryce answered for him. 'Well I knew that smart guy, but that doesn't mean she hasn't made any new ones...' Joel continued before being interrupted by Sarah.

'Actually, he's right. I haven't made any since I've moved here' she admitted. That was a surprise to Joel. After a few seconds in deep thought (and disbelief), he finally responded: 'On the contrary, you've just made your first two,' putting his outstretched arm over Bryce's shoulder who returns the same action. While it appeared to Sarah as an amusingly silly gesture, she couldn't have been happier that day as she exchanged smiles with Joel and Bryce. It was at that moment where the duo decided to form their new-found trio of gamers.

'I really didn't deserve your kindness... Thank you.' she overwhelmingly expressed. 'I already feel like friendship's gonna last for life' Bryce said, giving Joel a teasing look. Joel just shook his head. He looked at the clock sitting on the wall at the back of the classroom and let out an annoyed groan.

'Two hours and forty minutes until we're free from school prison' Joel fumed before looking around the empty detention room of desks and mid-afternoon sunlight. 'I thought school itself is already a prison?' Sarah joked, which put another smile on his face. 'Indeed, it is.'


'This calls for a hang-out at my place,' Bryce said. 'How about this weekend? You don't live too far from the school, do you Sarah?' he asked her. 'I don't yes, right about a few minutes away in Harley Street. 'You're joking... That's where Joel and I stay!' Bryce exclaimed. 'Well we gotta make plans, that's for sure' Joel suggested. 'I think we will' Sarah agreed.

After their detention, as Joel and Bryce headed for their bicycles, they greeted Sarah, agreeing that they'd visit her during the weekend. They waved at her who was already sitting in the passenger seat of her mother's car and was shyly waving back while the car gradually disappeared from sight. 'You totally like her' Bryce proudly states, purposely working up his best friend. 'Guess there's no point denying it with you, huh?' Joel sighed. 'Nah, I'm rooting for y'all all the way. Just don't forget our bro-code' Bryce reminded. 'What, for a girl we've just met? Never in a million years' Joel reassured him.

The two walked to the school's bicycle, but before they reached it, Bryce could tell something was up. 'No, no, no, no...' he panicked as he quickened his pace. 'Son of a...'

'DON'T say it,' Joel stopped him. As if the day couldn't get any worse, Bryce now had a slashed front wheel. 'Are you serious right now?! Joel just shook his head and smiled. 'Hey, it's no sweat bro. Just hop on the back of mine and I'll cycle you home.' he said. 'But what about my bike?' Bryce asked. Nobody's gonna wanna steal a bike that can't ride. Plus, we'll just bring the tools we need on Monday to fix it' Joel explained. 'I guess that can work' Bryce agreed as he climbed onto the back of Joel's bicycle and rode home together.


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