Tom's Hogsmeade Weekend

Start from the beginning

"Hey," the twins greeted Dominique and Draco outside the Three Broomsticks.

"Hello, Fred and George, meet my date Alphard Black." Dominique introduced her date.

"Hey, we have heard a lot about you." George said shaking Alphard's hand.

"Me too; rather I have practically witnessed you in action." Alphard said, shaking Fred's hand.

"And...We have already met before." Fred and George said looking at the Lestrange twins.

"Yeah, definitely," they said offering their hands forward.

"You think that we're stupid don't you?" George asked.

"We're not going to shake your hands unless both of you take off those muggle things off your hands." Fred said smirking.

Dmitri and Nicholas looked at them; amazement dripping from their looks. "How did you see them?" Dmitri asked.

"Well, we happen to be the pranksters of our school you know. There weren't a pupil who didn't know about us. So, we would suggest both of you to keep your pranks a bit away from us. They might backfire." Fred and George finished together.

"Ugh, fine," Dmitri and Nicholas grunted and took the electrifiers off from their hands.

"Well, if you come with us, we could teach you some way to prank on people. Want to join?" Fred and George asked putting their hands forward.

"Why, of course," Dmitri and Nicholas took their hands respectively.

"Well, before four of you run away to pull some prank on people, let me introduce my date; Roxanne Longbottom." Draco announced.

Fred and George's eyes went wide for a second before going to normal. Thankfully the unwanted people didn't notice their reaction.

"She's in Ravenclaw." Draco said.

"Congratulations," the twins said with a smile, which looked more like a smirk to Draco. Draco suppressed the urge to roll his eyes at them and smiled back.

The two pair of twins left with a smirk that acted as an evident that some chaos was going to be caused in the village. The leftover group settled themselves inside the well known restaurant and ordered fire whiskey and butter beer for themselves. They conversed freely as they enjoyed their drinks.

"I was actually not sure that Draco would get a date in such a short period, but I'm happy he did. But, I don't really know you, Roxanne." Dominique stated politely.

"Oh, yeah, you know my name, its Roxanne. And apart from all the obvious information I love Quidditch. I am a seeker, and have been a part of the team since my third year." Roxanne informed a bit proudly, which quite impressed Draco.

"Wow, that's interesting. I don't really play Quidditch, but I like the sport." Dominique nodded and glanced at Draco. She knew that his heart was surely fluttering with the information since he himself was a great player and a seeker as well.

She sound him staring at his chosen date in awe; a slight smile of impression on his face. As soon as he caught Dominique's stare at him, he blushed knowing that he had been caught staring and smiling at the girl. He proceeded to his glass of fire whiskey for some help to hide his pink cheeks.

Dominique was smirking at Draco and fiddling with her glass of butter beer when a hand suddenly came into view. In a reflex, she pulled away from the prodding hand towards her mouth and looked up to the boy beside her; Alphard.

"Sorry, there is some..." Alphard trailed off as he slid off his thumb on Dominique's upper lip to remove a layer of white froth from the butter beer. This time she blushed a bit and glanced at Alphard; who, she considered to be rather good looking with the devilish smile on his face.

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