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Rissa sat uncomfortably through the ceremonies. She gave a humble speech on the stage calmly, smiling to the court in front of them but not much seem to be impressed with it nor did they care. It's not something she liked as most of the time, people listen to her speak in front. Upset, She walked back to her seat after pouring a drink to the new couple together with her new brother but she can't help but look around.

A few of the people in the court were as young as she was, some not too old, perhaps as old as Callyx but there were definitely some who she can talk to if she even has the courage to do so.

With her attention on to somewhere else, she bumped on to someone who was conversing with some Countess and some Duke that the red head can't remember.

"Apologies." She slightly bowed her head in alarm before looking up to the man she bumped into.

He had a kind and gleeful twinkle in his eyes like he was planning a prank but at the same time, they looked wise and careful. Like he knew where to step on a field full of land mines. He was a buff man, his suit chrome silk with a microphone attached by his ear like every guard there was in the palace. His hair of salt and pepper was slicked back, his beard newly groomed. A familiar face aong the most of the court present, like she had seen him between pillar of the castle, glimpses but never a proper introduction.

Rissa was intimidated at the same time intrigued with the man. Until he talked in a deep voice, playful and scary at the same time. It made Rissa want to run away but Callyx taught her not to run. She's royalty and no one can say otherwise.

"Oh, Lady Charissa. Apologies as well. I didn't see you there." He smiled kindly. "Wandering around the court I see?"

Rissa shook her head. "Heading back to my table I'm afraid. I don't fancy this much people in crowds." She answered, carefully picking her words. Despite her living in modern times with phones and everything, she felt appropriate to talk in a formal manner to be respected and taken seriously.

"Why? Too many greetings to be exchanged?" He asked, handing her a glass of a golden drink from a passing server which she took kindly. "I remember King Pryus' first ball and celebration. Just as grand as this." He laughed, taking a sip from his glass of brandy.

Rissa took a sip from her glass and was surprised that it was not alcohol but sparkling apple juice. Tasty. "King Pryus also avoided crowds?"

"Oh no, but he wandered so much that no one could talk to him or even notice him properly." He said, perhaps hoping that Rissa would be more comfortable. "My manners are lost. I'm Sir Laudius of the Abelia House. The Head of Security of the Royal Family."

So that's why he talked about the king so casually. He is a man close to the king in terms of servic. But why is he far away from the king? Rissa wondered.

"Sir Laudius, might I long have you known the king?" She asked, sipping once more from her glass. "You seem to know him well."

"Oh I do. I grew up with the king. Childhood friends if you may." He answered. Before Rissa could ask anymore, he turned his attention to his earpiece where someone seem to be speaking. After a moment, he turned back to her. "I'll be going ahead, Lady Charissa. It's an honour to meet you."

Rissa smiled and bowed at him before watching him leave. She stood there for a moment, sipping her drink before she turned to the other nobles nearby. They smiled and curtsied to her direction and she smiled to return the bow before she walked back to her table.

"Lady Charissa! Callyx' new sister! Hi!" Before she could even reach her table, she had to turn around to whoever was calling her.

In front of her is a brunette dressed in a blue and green ball gown, her lips of pink smiling at her, eyes sparkling and excited, skin so light that her red cheeks stood out, her nose small, eyes of brown with a beautiful eye makeup. She made Rissa very self-conscious but her light hearted grin made her smile.

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