Act One Scene Two

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In Scene Two you’re introduced to the Mighty Sol, his two secretaries Alma and Krista, and Sawyer Banks, who thinks he’s a such manly man until Alma takes him down a peg or two.

Warning:  The Mighty Sol wields not a sword but the F-word, in all its many and varied forms. So if you find such things offensive then please don’t read. 

SOL MALINEAUX:  A wiry middle-aged man with a fading hairline and beard that needs trimming

ALMA: Sol’s unconventional secretary.  She takes no guff, even from men making ten times her salary.

KRISTA BELL BELL: Alma’s goofy assistant secretary - it takes two secretaries to deal with Sol.

SAWYER BANKS: An over-muscled nerd with a New Jersey accent, dark hair, good-looking but doesn’t he know it!

Act One Scene Two

Setting: The reception area outside Sol’s office.   Alma and Krista Bell Bell are at their desks facing the audience.  On the side of the stage, people are playing foosball.

Alma is typing on her keyboard while Krista hums as she works on her nails.  In his office, Sol has his feet propped on the desk and is leaning back in his chair sound asleep, snoring loudly.  Alma notices the time and gasps.  She rises from her desk and walks into Sol’s office, laughing when she sees him sleeping, a loud belly laugh, which wakes him up.


        Sorry to wake you, Sol, but you’ve a meeting with the VCs at eight, remember.

Narrator, interrupting: A Venture Capitalist (VC) is a person with excess cash who hopes to make more by investing in a new and flashy technology, generally that they know nothing about.  VCs are especially interested in investing in start ups run by 20 year olds who excel at Foosball and/or PingPong.  

Sol (springing to his feet. )

        Fucking VCs!!!!!  Motherfuckking fuckkholes!

        Did you burn all those memos they sent?


        There were too many,

        to burn in a fire,

        Look at this stack!

        It can't get any higher.

  [she points to a stack of paper about three feet high.


        I said burn them every f**king one!  

        Get rid of the damned things! 

        Look at this one Alma!

 [he pulls the top memo off the pile]

        Fucking Technology Guru keeps sending me memos about things I  invented!!!    

[He laughs sardonically, shaking his head as he sweeps the whole pile into the garbage can with one arm]

        And besides, I wasn’t fucking sleeping;

        I  just had my eyes closed, thinking!


        Thinking and snoring?

Sol, (breaking into song):

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