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Lots of people ask me if I want to lose weight.

Lots of people ask if I simply exercise.

See, they ask me cause I pace.

I pace back and forth back and forth back and forth in the hallway.

My grandmother says I'm polishing the tile.

My dad says to sit down.

A little fish told me to keep swimming,

But my anxiety,

My anxiety tells me to keep walking.

My legs ache, my knee caps are in pain,

But my anxiety is like a wild horse running away from it's owner

I am the owner

My pace cannot reach the wild horse and get close without it hurting me.

I cannot haul it down and control it like I wish I did.

My walks are as constant as my thoughts.

My thoughts an endless river overflowing after a hurricane.

My thoughts are the category 5 hurricane.

Winds so strong that blows homes of thought apart leaving those abandoned memories fly through my brain.

My knees collapse and i am left in a dark hallway.

My thoughts bounce back and forth through my mind like a ping pong ball in an intense game.

My anxiety and I are in the octagon

Both of us bleeding determined to win

Even if it means taking one of to the end.

-hallway walks

[Photo Taken On: 12.05.16]

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