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Oh boy. It was her first day of sorcery lessons and she was already late! She wasn't used to getting up so early and she slept in. 'Oh well, maybe he'll understand! Right?' She thought to herself while she was getting dressed. She didn't really focus on wearing something proper, it was only sorcery lessons, anyway. Sorcerers don't really care about their looks anymore. She speed walked all the way to the tower, her calve muscles working as hard as they could in the summer heat.

She stomped up the old stone stairs. As she knocked on the door, she heard a loud crash. "J-Just a minute!"
Greatest sorcerer huh? She chuckled to herself and pulled up the pants she was wearing. She didn't have time to slide on a belt. The large wooden door swung open to reveal a rough looking sorcerer. "Yes? Is there anything you need? Potions, spells, anything?" He rambled, running his soot covered fingers through his hair.

"No, actually. I'm here for my lessons," she murmured, trying not to crack a smile. The male looked at her, confused.

"Lessons? I didn't hear anything about any lessons," he growled. "Didn't King Roland tell you I'd be coming?" She asked. Cedric shook his head. "That man never tells me anything!" He pouted.

She tried not to laugh at how disappointed he looked.

"Look, I'm just trying to get some lessons in," she murmured softly. She placed a reassuring hand on his slumped shoulders. Cedric pulled away from the hand as if it burned him. Rose raised a thin brow. "Eh- sorry. I'm not used to physical contact."

He probably didn't mean to make it sound so sad, but she still pitied him. "Right..anyway, are we gonna start or are we just gonna stand here all stay and talk about our misfortunes?"

"Oh, right. Lessons, lessons..what do you want to do first?" He asked her.


His eyebrows rose. "That's kind of advanced, don't you think?"

"What, you don't think I can handle something as simple as levitation?" Rose asked playfully. Apparently, he took it seriously. "Oh, no! S-Sorry Princess..?" "Rose. And don't call me princess. It just reminds me of how boring my life is back home," she muttered. "Sorry Rose..." he said as he walked to his ladder. Cedric climbed it lazily, looking for any books with a simple levitation spell. She tapped her foot on the stone floor.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting Rose!" He said as he descended down the ladder, a large book in his skinny arms. She wanted to laugh at how huge the book looked in his arms, but decided against it. It would probably make him feel bad, and she didn't want that.

Cedric dropped the book on his table and opened it up, looking at the index. "Levitation, levitation..ah! Here we are. Levitation.." he murmured as he read the spell. He then read it out loud. "Repeat after me." He held up his wand to a random potion bottle. "Grant our wish so mote it be, bring levitation to her or me!"

The potion bottle ascended into the air, but it crashed into the ceiling. "Merlin's mushrooms!" Cedric yelped as he ducked. Rose looked down at him. "Jeez. I feel like I should be teaching you," she murmured.

Cedric just looked up at her, scowling. Rose held up her hands in defense. She helped him up, knowing the man barely had any muscle to lift himself back up from the squatting position. "Sorry, Mr. Cedric."

He let out a little sigh. "It's quite alright Rose, I'm pretty used to scorn around this horrid place." Damn. That man was unappreciated, at least in her opinion. "I should help you clean this up," she said apologetically.


Whew! Sorry that took so long to publish. School got in the way. Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter. I know it's a lil short, but I'll try to write a longer chapter later on. - Anslee

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2018 ⏰

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