24. The Finale

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(A/N) Hey, so here is the final chapter. Finally! Please don't kill me for uploading so late, but I was having major writer's block with the story. 

I might upload an epilogue in the end. MIGHT. But, most probably I will. So, cheers to all of you for sticking around and thank you sooooo much. *Big hug to all*

Anyway here it is, and like always, 

Vote and promote :)

Chapter 24

The Finale

Zara's POV

My call with Josh was now connected and I was outside the restaurant, on the  quiet road where anything that Hannah would say, could easily be heard via my phone. 

With an incredulous expression, Hannah stared at me.

After taking a deep breath, I finally started speaking.

"Hannah, so you and I both know why I dragged you out here."

"Do we?" Hannah answered in a nonchalant manner.

"Of course we do! We both know how you lied and did every possible thing to keep Olly and me apart!"

I said loud enough to be heard clearly via my phone. I could hear that the blazing music that was playing inside had stopped. Not even the noise of people chatting could be heard anymore. 

Thinking that Josh must have connected my call to the speakers by now, I went on more boldly this time.

"You lied, you schemed, you did every possible thing that those weird mean characters from those sitcoms do to keep others from being happy!"

Hannah started laughing. It startled me and caught me off guard, as she kept on laughing. Her laugh sounded like that of a maniac. no kidding.

"You think I lied? Of course I did! But, see where that got you! I fooled you into thinking that he left you for me and you fell for it! You know the best part? He is all mine now and you aren't even a part of his life! Not a poor little best friend and definitely not his girlfriend."

I looked at her with utter disbelief. I couldn't decide if she was still keeping up the pretense or was she seriously that crazy! 

Taking a step back with caution, I retorted, "Yeah that is exactly why he came up to me and we got over the misunderstanding that you created and also why you are lying about being his girlfriend because for your information I happen to be not only his best friend, but also his girlfriend. And don't you dare try to tell me otherwise because I know what you were up to in your previous school and why you had to quit. I am not as nice as those people. I will not let you tamper with my life and get away!"

By this point, I was almost screaming at her and she seemed to flinch.

However, within a matter of seconds her entire demeanour changed and she ponced and try to hit me.

But, before she could even touch me, Seri and Olly were by my side and a few others had joined them and were keeping Hannah away.

Mr. Gay looked flabbergasted. Much like the others who gathered around us.

Something had come over Hannah and she was cursing and seething.

Mr. Gay reluctantly decided to call Hannah's dad and inform him of the situation. We made sure that he never mentioned Olly's name as he explained the entire situation.

We sent Olly away before her Dad reached, lest he recognized him and Olly's dad had to deal with the consequences, since Hannah's dad was his boss.

Hannah's dad, Mr. Skeller, arrived about fifteen minutes later. He looked embarrassed as if he has been put through this situation so many times, that now he is sort of ashamed to be put in it again. He took a screaming Hannah by the hand and put her in the car. She opened the door to come out, when he suddenly turned towards her and snapped.

"Don't you dare move out of that car. I have had enough of you and your drama. You might be my daughter and I might love you more than my life, but if you do not keep quiet and sit in the car, I swear I will directly drive to the mental health ward and admit you there. Do you get that?!"

He looked pained and angry at the same time as he said those words. But, they seemed to influence Hannah because she calmed down and sat quietly in the passenger seat.

Mr. Skeller walked up to me and said, "I am really sorry for what you had to put up with because of my daughter, but I promise that I'll make sure she doesn't give you anymore trouble after this. I'll schedule an appointment with the shrink for her this very instant. I shouldn't have denied her condition and supported her blindly. I am really sorry."

He looked very tired and aged suddenly. His expression was resigned and his stance was that of a man who had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

I gave him a reassuring smile.

"It's okay Mr. Skeller. I just hope Hannah gets okay soon and she can find her own place in the world. I know how bad it must be for her to feel lonely and resort to all this, but I hope she doesn't have to put up with this for long." 

He gave a slight smile as he turned to say sorry to everyone for ruining their night and went back into his car and drove away with Hannah.

I was feeling bad for what we had done. Almost, guilt stricken.

But, I could see no other way how we could have handled it any better, especially with her mad streak.

At least she would now get counselling and hopefully make real friends this time.

Sensing the tense atmosphere, Mr. Gay hollered "Back to the party everyone! The main course must be waiting for us!"

Everybody quickly shuffled back and after a few people came and asked me if I am okay, we four went and found a table for ourselves.

Some people took to the makeshift dance floor and with the peppy songs that Josh had turned on, the atmosphere became lively and happy again.

Kate walked over to our table and whispered something in Josh's ear and earned a spiteful look from Seri. I nudged her in the side and let out a giggle as she looked on with the same pissed expression. From his barely hidden smile, I could tell Olly was enjoying it too.

"Be right back." Josh said as he got up and left with Kate. 

I was gulping down my virgin mojito when a familiar tune filled up the place. 

'I see the light' from Tangled was playing. It instantly changed my mood, and as Oliver quietly took my hand under the table, I couldn't help but start smiling.

Kate walked up to us, followed by Josh who had a smile playing at his lips. 

As she stood staring at us, Kate announced, "This song is a dedication to our lovely couple here- Oliver and Zara! Give it up for them!"

Everybody started applauding and cheering for us as Olly managed to step up and pull me into his arms in one smooth motion. Josh did the same with Seri and gradually people joined us for a slow dance.

The song changed from one slow number to another and by the fourth, Olly caught me off guard with a sweet, long and deep kiss to the lips.

It was like a clichè happy ending. 

But the best part? It was very much real and it was ours. 


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