Chapter 21

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"Ugh, yeah, she's totally.. Hahaha. Yeah." Chelsea mutters into her phone.

I slam the door shut behind me after getting back from Harry's apartment.

She glances at me, this evil, but blank look. Then continues to mutter into the phone.

I sling my bag over a chair by the side and then gloomily trudge into my room. I'm just about to shut the door behind me when I hear Chelsea.

"I hate Abigail Young."

I step back into the living room and give her this quizzical look. She no longer has a phone to her ear, but she's staring at me, as if she can see through me.

"I'm sorry, what?" I say.

"I hate you." She repeats.

I step towards the counter of the kitchen. "What, is your problem with me? Can you not just leave me to live my own life and you can live yours?"

She also steps forward, "my problem, with you, is that you stole my boyfriend, so now I'm going to make sure you and him, doesn't happen."

"Too late, Chelsea. You're too late."

Her eyebrows flicker, "What?"

I smirk slightly but try not to show it. "Oh, nothing."

"Anyway, I haven't even started. Get ready for what's to happen, Abi." She snarls.

I shrugged and walked into my room. Of course, I would have happily punched her, but I'm too nice for that.


"Abigail, if you're just going to lay on your desk for the whole lesson and fall asleep, can you at least have the decency to do it when I am not teaching you?" Mr SomethingIdkHisName yelled into my ear on Tuesday, during Law.

"Sorry," I mutter, feeling my cheeks burn red.

"So you should be. I did not expect this lack of enthusiasm from you."

"Sorry," I repeat, because what the heck else can I say?

He carries on burbling on about stuff that doesn't mean anything to me. I look blankly at the plump teacher but slowly drift into a daydream.

After Law, I went for History, since our Lecture this morning was cancelled, and I sat alone at the back of the classroom.

"Because the Lectures for you guys was cancelled today, due to the teacher not being able to run it, I'm going to tell you myself what was going to happen," the small and skinny lady exclaims. "It's coming towards Summer now, as you can see by the lovely weather, and that means it's our Greeting Family Weekend."

A few people around the classroom begin whispering, but I just sit there cluelessly.

"For the new people,"

i.e. Me.

"..Greeting Family Weekend is basically two weekends where you go away from the collage to see your family, or go on a holiday or whatever you like, and this university will be student free. This also gives us time to prepare things for you when you come back. During the week in between the two weekends, lessons will be normal."

That sounds.. Interesting. It means I get to see Auntie Kate for a weekend though so yay!

"It will be taking place, not this weekend but three weekend after. The 30th June to be exact." The teacher adds.

He gets back to the maths lesson and I go back to my world of imagination.

"Psst!" Somebody whispers, causing me to turn to my left and notice Niall leaning back on his chair, his hair the usually golden, blondey colour and his eyes still mesmerising. "Message from Harry. He asked to meet you in the cafeteria, at lunch. He'll be at the same table that we sat on when you went with me and him that one time. If it's taken, he'll be just stood outside the hall."

I nod, wondering why he didn't just text me.

"His phone was dead when he found it in the morning. The stupid idiot forgot to flick the switch to charge it last night." He adds, as if he can read my mind.

"Okay, thanks Niall." I turn back to the front.


The time surprisingly went quickly and before I knew it, I was at the door of the cafeteria.

There was no Harry outside so I gathered he would be inside. And lower behold he was sat in the same spot as when I spent lunch with him and Niall. He looked up and waved to me when he saw me.

I gave him a small smile and then sat next to him.

"Hey." He grinned.

"Hey." I replied.

"So, are you free tomorrow night?"

"Think so, why?" I ask.

"Zayn's friend, Natasha is having a birthday party at her house, she has an outside pool and everything. It's gonna be epic. And I mentioned some things about you and she asked if you wanted to come along?" He says.

"I think I'm free. But what about Uni the next day?" I ask, putting my education before having fun.

"If you're up to it the next day, then there you go, but if not then you could miss it. After all, it's only one day." He exclaims.

I shrug. "I guess."

"Okay so I'll pick you up from yours at, let's say, 8:30?"

"Sure." I say. "Anyway, why did you say 'Zayn's friend," like that."

"Because I'm pretty sure he likes her." He explains.

"You're an expert now?" I tease.

"Maybe." He smirks. "I know what you're thinking right now.."

"Oh really?"

"Really." He folds his arms, challengingly.

"What am I thinking then, Professor Styles?" I grin.

"That I can't read you're mind."

I laugh. "Nice try. But no."

"What were you thinking about then?" He raises his eye brows slightly.



Hope you liked the update today! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been thinking about stuff. Anyway, I reached over 500 reads, and I'm really happy about that :)

Thanks again, ily all!

~A ;)x

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