Chapter 18

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On Monday morning I woke up and began violently attacking my pillow.

Why does it have to be a Monday?!

I got changed nevertheless into a pair of black skinny jeans and a loose pink top.

After the lecture in the morning, I made my way to Drama.

I was surprised to see that I was the first one in there. I got a pick of any seat so I chose one in the back right corner of the room.

I take out The Fault In Our Stars as I'm at a really interesting part and I begin to read it.

"You're early." His deep voice echoed through the room, causing me to shoot my head up, and see him casually leant with his shoulder against the door, his wispy hair looking gorgeous.

"I am." I nod, finding myself staring at his extremely cute dimples.

"I was hoping to beat you here."

"Sorry to disappoint you." I laugh slightly.

"You surprised me more like. A good surprise." I look away as he winks, trying not to blush.

He begins wandering across the room, his hands in his jean pockets before he slips into the seat next to me.

"Yesterday was good." He says, resting his elbows on the desk.

"Yeah." I agree.

"We should do it again sometime." He runs his fingers through his hair.

"Are you trying to ask me on a date, Styles?" I tease, although the words kind of slipped from my mouth.

"What if I was?" He asks.

"I-I uh-um," I mutter.

He playfully punches me on the shoulder. "Don't worry." He laughs quietly. "What would a beautiful girl like you be doing with a git like me?"

"We'd be going on a date." I laugh.

"So is that a yes?"

"Well, it's not a no."

"How are you so hard to please?" He laughs.

"I'm not!"

"Well you're playing hard to get then." He says.

I laugh a bit more. "No I'm not."

"Then go on a date with me." He says.

Before I can answer, the door swings open and tons of people begin to pile in.

I slip my book into my bag and look up at the front, ready for a lesson of Drama.


"We're having a production happen, not for a special occasion, but just to find out how good some of the new people really are at Drama." The plump teacher says, he hovers over his desk, tapping his foot in a beat on the floor.

Chelsea was sat directly across the row from me, she scowled several times, as I was still sat next to Harry. She made threatening looks and I could tell there was anger boiling up inside of her.

I couldn't help but wonder whether to audition for this production. I mean, it can't be that embarrassing and hopeless, can it?

This dude with glasses and a tie at the front raises his hand and asks, "What's the production going to be sir? If you don't mind me asking."


"It's a made up one this year." He nods and begins pacing the classroom slowly and calmly. "It's called Fall."

"Okay, thank you." The boy says.

The man at the front nods and then carries on, "it's about a boy who's parents argue a lot, he decides he wants to make a difference in the world. He works in a hospital and when one of the new nurses arrives, they fall for each other and it's all very lovey dovey. And then he writes a book about his life and becomes famous for it. It's sad in places too."

It sounds okay.

I could totally be the nurse.


"Who would be interested in auditioning?" He asks.

Several people raise their hands, including Chelsea, who scowls at me again.

I close my eyes and find myself raising my hand straight in the air.

"Okay then." He smiles and picks up a massive pile of papers. "I'll hand out the scripts. Learn a part that you want to do that may help you get the part. Auditions start Friday at four in here. Be ready."

A script lands on my table and I skim it, trying to find the perfect part.

"You going for an audition?" Harry asks.

I blush, suddenly remembering he's been there this whole time. "I guess."

He raises his eyebrows. "You sing?"

I give him a confused look. "Sing? What?"

He points to the words labelled at the top of the script.


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀The musical.

I shudder. I don't sing.

Not in front of anyone anyway.

"Oh.." I look down at my hands.

Well this isn't going to happen.

"So you don't sing?" Harry asks again.




He rubs my back with his hand soothingly.

"You should try out anyway." He suddenly says.

"How?" I lift up my head. "How?! When I can't sing in front of people?"

"I don't know. Look, don't freak out about this and take it out on me."

I breathe out through my nose. "I'm sorry. I just got really hopeful and now everything has crashed down on me."

I hear footsteps behind me.

"Ahh shame." A sniggering voice says from behind me.

I turn and find Chelsea staring down at me.

"Looks like the part is all mine. Sucker."


Yay so I'm back!

I just did a quick update, sorry if it's bad 😁😂

Thanks for reading anyway 💖

~A ;)xox

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