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Though we were married everyday felt like the first day I fell in love with January.

We were going back in a few days, back home. January was getting home sick from not seeing her beloved 'papa' - total daddy's girl, but I didn't want to leave Sammy behind.

"Sammy?" I ask as I snatch the last slice of pizza from the box. We had ordered 3 boxes and already we'd finished them, I guess January was eating for 2.

Sammy hums in response as she rapidly tapped away on her phone.
"When are you turning 18?" I ask, taking a bite into my now cold pizza.

"Next Thursday," She smiles, making my mouth drop, almost dropping my pizza.

"What have you planned?"

I was shocked. Your 18th was most important and she seemed so unbothered.

The real reason I asked was because I intended to take her with us back to the U.K. I had been January's bestfriend but I noticed she'd pushed everyone away in school ever since the death of Hafsa becoming a social outcast. She longed female company and I could see from this trip how much Sammy meant to her.

"Well then, for your 18th we're going to have a double party," I say proudly, her head whips up and she raises her eyebrows.

"What else would we be celebrating?" Her face was full of excitement, just then a thought popped into her head making her face drain colour.

"Too bad. We can't have a party. I'm not allowed." She says shaking her head disdainfully.

"Hold your horses princess, don't be like that. Who said we're having the party here." I smile and send her a wink.

Darius coughs loudly, in attempt to gain our attention.

"What's going on?" He asks duped wiping his face with a tissue.

"I'm taking Sammy back to the U.K." I say adamant. Okay, yes I hadn't even spoken to Sammy about it, but I'm sure she would've said yes.

"Really, Little Yoyo?" She squeals in excitement and she does a little whirl in her wheelchair.

"She can't, she's not some toy or souvenir you can take back. She's my daughter, the only thing I have." Darius says sharply, making Sammy stop in her tracks. "You can't stop me, I'm turning 18." Sammy snaps back with a smirk.

"Whatever. You're staying." Darius rolls his eyes. I lean over to whisper in Sammy's ear.

"You're totally coming," she laughs in excitement hugging my neck.

I look over to January, who'd been so lost in her own thoughts.

"January," I call from the other side of the room snapping her out of her trance.
Her look made my heart pound, making it seem like I was going hyperventilate and pass out.

I still had a crush on her, and she make my heart do a whole gymnastics lesson in my body.

"Hm?" She looks up at me.

"I- I'm taking Sammy U.K what do you think?" She nods. "Good." Is all she says making her way upstairs.

"I'm going to have an early night." She yawns making her way upstairs. I take Sammy upstairs via the lift so I can talk to her without interruption of her controlling Darius interfering.

I pull out my phone calling mom.

Her phone rings for a while, which I'm presuming she's busy, because she picks up on the third ring.

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