Elizabeth and her curiousity

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"Mom, I hear something in the closet." Elizabeth said, scared.
"Elizabeth! You need to stop this, every night you say you hear something in your closet! When really, there's nothing even there!"
"But-But... There is something! I wouldn't be hearing it every night if there weren't anything!"
Elizabeth said angrily, she wanted her mom to believe her.
"Elizabeth... got to bed, I'll check your closet... but you need to get out of this habit. I swear, there's nothing to be afraid of." Elizabeth's mom said, trying to be calm as she slowly was opening Elizabeth's closet.
"Goodnight." She said and closed the closet and then walked out the door and closed it behind her.
'Nothing there, nothing there! Blah-Blah-Blah! If she doesn't believe me, I will just have to prove it to her.' Elizabeth said to herself annoyed.
Elizabeth later back and tucked herself in, and closed her eyes.
Then she heard a screeching noise, coming from inside her closet. 'What is that?' Elizabeth said scared but also curious. She wished the voice would just go away, and she wouldn't have to hear it again ever but also a side of her wanted to investigate, kind of like a cop. She wanted to know what was up, what the noise was and where it was coming from. Elizabeth sat up and got out of bed, she walked over to her closet slowly and then ran back,
"Almost forgot my flashlight!" Elizabeth exclaimed quietly. She grabbed her flashlight off her dresser and then ran back over to the closet. 'Here it goes.' She said scared. She slowly turned the handle to the closet door, then the screaming stopped. Elizabeth was in shock, then she started to wonder 'what if I just left me closet door open at night, so it would stop?' She walked inside slowly and then turned back, she looked at her room, her pink walls and all her family and friends pictures on her walls, her desk with her computer and makeup brush stands. "See you soon, room." She said to her room, more scared than before. She started to tell herself, 'I can do it, I can do it,' and she knew she could, she just has to stop being a little girl and get it over with! She then turned back around and heard the closet door slam behind her. Elizabeth jumped in shock and started to scream, 'NO! LET ME OUT!!" But she couldn't hear herself, which made her think nobody could hear her, so she stopped screaming and decided to walk further back into the closet. Then she saw a huge drop, in front of her! It looked like it went really far down. All of a sudden, she stared to hear slithering and hissing! 'Snake?' She asked herself... then she turned around and of course, there were snakes slithering behind her, which scared her even more because her top fears were snakes, and the underworld. Elizabeth began to realize that she had to make a decision, it was to stay and get bitten by all the snakes or to drop down into the deep hole.

Moments had passed, she was still scared and couldn't make up her mind! Then a snake started to slither onto the leg and Elizabeth stood still in shock and then she looked down and saw the snake on her. She walked backwards, trying to get the snake off of her ankle but then she fell into the deep hole. "AHH!!!!" She screamed as loud as she could. Then she hit the ground really hard, breaking her back. She looked around and began to see flames and shadows, she moaned "Where am I?" And everything began to go blurry, her vision was becoming weak and her eyes started to weep tears. "Your in HELL!!" Satan suddenly yelled very loudly. "Welcome, fellow sinner." He continued. "I'm not a sinner, I'm a Christian and you're going to get me out of here now!!" Elizabeth yelled in fear. " I know you're scared, also I know you can't leave  because you have a broken leg and back."

"I don't have a broken leg." Elizabeth said confused.
"You Do now..." he responded laughing.
"AHHH!!! OWW!!!" Elizabeth said crying and screaming.
Then Elizabeth, see things even more blurry and then she fell sleep. And she never woke up again.

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