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Alexandra stood outside Holby City hospital... with one intent... finding her birth mother.

Alexandra's POV
I was finally here... it's a long way from Manchester! Entrance... entrance... Ah! Should I ask where she is? I could have  gotten questioned if I did that. I started at the top-Darwin. The lift is almost full but I was only small so I managed to fit in.
"Level?" A handsome paramedic asked me.
"Erm...S... six please."
I was so damn awkward, but he gave me a reassuring smile and a little wink. He asked me the usual questions you'd ask a teenager but then came the... "So, what are you doing here?". I covered it up by saying I was visiting my mum -which was true-but I stuttered it, it was an awkward question.
Level 6 - please stand clear of the closing doors
He said goodbye, and gave a quick bow so I bobbed a little curtsy and giggled. He made me feel comfortable - though, of course, I was wary of men. Stepping out of the lift, the first thing I noticed was the noise. And the chaos. The hurry of nurses, porters and patients seemed to all be going the opposite way to me. It took a lot of Excuse me pleases and thank yous, but I finally made to what seemed to be a desk in the middle. A middle-aged man with really, really blue eyes asked:
"Can I help you?"
"I'm looking for a Jasmine Burrows?"
"Can I take a name please - security and that,"
"Alex... Alexandra Jacobs... Burrows."
He raised an eyebrow.
"So are you related to Doctor Burrows?"
"Look, can you just tell me where she is?!" I was quite rude, "I'm sorry but I need to find her"
"I'm afraid Dr Burrows is in ICU"
"What?! Why?! Can I see her?!"
He looked around and decided: Yes. He brought me into the lift and to ICU. I was told she was in bay 4 so I walked over- scared out of my life, only to find a red-haired person with ridiculous cheekbones in scrubs... a doctor maybe? On her lap was a little girl who looked about four. On the bed... there she was! Jasmine...
"Can I help you?" Cheekbones asked icily
"I'm, erm, here to see Jasmine?"
"And you are?"
Then the child went a stood closer to Jasmine when her eyes opened slowly. Looking at the girl she croaked:
"No, it's Emma you silly girl... you've caused so much stress being in here!" Cheekbones laughed
Jasmine giggled a little and her eyes wandered until she saw me...

Jasmine's eyes lit up... it was her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2018 ⏰

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