The ultimate reward

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Lucas had killed every beast known to man, and yet he still hadn’t earned his reward. So rode, and he rode, slaying all those who stood in his way. Like many knights before him his only purpose was to claim it as his own. He had done everything he possibly could or more like killed everything he possibly could. Lions, wild boars, mother in laws, sea monsters and the occasional carnivorous goldfish. Each more terrifying than the last and yet he was still not rewarded. Of course there was one thing he could still kill… a dragon Dragons had gone missing a long time ago. But there were rumors of one that still lived. In a mountain not too far from here it resided. The only explanation for its survival was that it was a beast so fierce no one was even able to go near it, or possibly because no one was stupid enough to actually try to go near it. Until now of course. Our hero Lucas was just stupid enough to give it a shot. So with a grin on his face he rode towards the mountain.

The trip took several days. Of course it was only supposed to be a five hour trip but he spotted a small rabbit that looked at him funny, and was actually rather difficult to chase down. Our hero stood before the colossal entrance to the cave where the dragon lay. He walked slowly towards the dragon, not by choice of course . But because his armour was just too damn heavy.

The giant beast lay there eyes closed, smoke rose from its dark nostrils with each breath it took. Lucas drew his sword and in one large anti climatic swing chopped its head right off as it slept. He stared down at its carcas wondering why no one had actually killed it before or who the bloody hell spread all those rumors ( he later found out it was a small ancient organisation trying to save endangered species from extinction named WWQ or something of the sort) He stepped over the lifeless mass that lay at his feet only to be approached by a dark hooded figure. The strange man slowly reached into its sleeve only to take out a small rectangular shape. “You are worthy” he said in a completely emotionless voice. With shaking hands Lucas took it. He had done it. He had finally earned it. He slowly opened it and took a bite. The taste of chocolate filled his mouth and over came his senses. He had earned his Bournville.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2014 ⏰

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