The Artist (Doctor Who fanfic)

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The TARDIS groaned loudly as she landed in the alley way, on a mostly deserted street. The door creaked open as the Doctor popped his head out, before stepping completely out to do a scan on his sonic screwdriver. Amy came out next, followed closely by Rory. They looked at him in confusion. They thought he was taking them to Florida, for a bit of relaxing.

"Um, Doctor?" Amy asked the time Lord as he continued scanning. "What exactly are you doing?"

"My sonic was going haywire." He replied. "Something is setting it off..." He got lost in his own train of thought, before standing up straight, fixing his bowtie, and correcting his fez. "Now then, Ponds. I know this isn't sunny Florida, but let's just make the most of it, eh? Nothing better than good old, 21 century England! With its fish and chips, their little shops, all that stuff!" He said, as he pushed the two companions down the sidewalk heading towards the busier part of town, before he heard something that made him stop cold.

"Thete! Theta! Doctor! Hey, stop!" All three turned around, the companions because they heard the last two things, the Doctor because of the first two things. But they were all met with a peculiar sight. A girl, looking to be in her early twenties, was running towards them. But what she was wearing is why the three didn't turn away. A purple, silk, top hat, complete with a lime green sash and long, fluffy, feathers sticking out of the sash, was sat upon her head. She wore a similar trench coat as the tenth doctor had wore, except it was a sky blue. She wore a bright, yellow, ruffled, blouse, a neon pink skirt, orange leggings, and teal, knee length,hightops addressed her feet. Her brunette hair was quite long, snaking down so they reach her thighs, her curls bouncing as she raced towards them. On her shoulder was a knapsack, a dark crimson, leather one, which looked barely full, almost empty. She was quite colorful, and quite content on reaching the travelers, for she was running very hard. They looked at her as she finally came towards them. Once she was in front of them, she was panting slightly, before standing up straight, smiling, and fixing her top hat so it stood straight.

"Finally! I ran 3 blocks at top speed, because I could've sworn I heard the TARDIS brakes, but I couldn't have been completely sure unless I checked. So, her I am! Now, which one of you is the Doctor, my Theta. I can't be sure, haven't seen you in, what? 800 years? I really have lost count, can't be to sure." As she stood there rambling, they each got a better look at her. She was fairly tall, her head reaching the Doctor's nose. Her eyes were a deep blue, and though they held cheer, they also held age and wisdom, as though she has lived for a very long time and has seen, many things. Her ears were pierced, and they dangled a bunch of circles that could have been writing. That was what the Doctor was most occupied of staring at, during the moment, for her earnings, were gallifreyan, his language. To say the Doctor was very confused was an under statement. He was baffled! His eyes went back to hers, and he straightened up to his full height.

"Well, um, yes, ok. Hello! I'm the... uh..I'm the Doctor. And may I just ask, how do you know me, and my name?" He was utterly confused, but trying his best to take back control here.

"Wait, you're not going to introduce me to your friends! Don't be rude, Doctor. Introduce your friends." She put both hands on her hips, smiling playfully.

"Right, well, these are the Ponds, Amy and R-" he was cut off by her outburst.

"Ricardo! That's his name, right? Ricardo? It's such a cool name." She smiled dreaming.

"Um, no. His name is Rory." The Doctor said. He was becoming more, and more, intrigued by her.

"So, his name is not Ricardo?" She asked a bit disappointed.

"Nope, my name is definitely Rory." Rory said, slightly inching closer to his wife as if to protect her from this strange woman.

Amy, who was getting kinda impatient with the woman, slightly shouted,

"Alright, we were introduced. Now tell us who you are! You're kind of weirding me out." She finished a bit hastily. The colorful woman turned towards the Doctor.

"You really don't remember me, Thete?" She asked. The Doctor shook his head.

"Theta, it's me, You know, Corona. That's my nickname. I'm the Artist! Remember me, Thete!" As she shouted the last part, realization hit the Doctor. Memories back on Gallifrey, with him, Koschei, and... Corona. How could he forget! The Artist, the most outrageous, colorful, quirkiest, AMAZING, time lady he knows! And his best friend!

"C-corona? Is it really you?" He asked, tears creeping up towards his eyes.

"Yes, Theta. It's truly me." She said stepping forwards, tears swelling in her eyes as well. Before the Ponds could even say a word, the Doctor and Artist were hugging ferociously, crying joyful tears. Now it was Amy and Rory's turn to be baffled. A time lady? But they thought the Doctor was the last of his kind. Oh, what a confusing day. The Artist was now standing in front of the two companions, curiosity and a bit of a mad glint in her eye.

"Do you guys mind if I hold your heads for a moment? It'll only take a second." Without waiting for a response, she put both hands on each of their heads and closed her eyes, as if she was concentrating. The two were so surprised they couldn't speak, just simply look at the Doctor in bewilderment and curiosity. The Doctor simply looked back at them with a humongous smile, for he knew what was going on. The Artist took her hands off their heads and reached for her satchel. She opened it up and stuck her hand in it, searching for something. She pulled out a rather large sketch pad, as well as a perfectly sharpened pencil. The two looked on in confusion. How did that pad of paper fit in that bag? The satchel was half the size of the paper.

"How... how'd you fit that paper in your bag?" Rory asked Artist, who was now drawing at incredible speed.

"Bigger on the inside, of course." She replied with out looking up. Rory and Amy looked at each other before going behind her and next to the Doctor, Who was watching the Artist with brotherly affection.

"Doctor, why is she drawing? Who is she? How do you know her? Amy asked, now very curious and less afraid of the very colorful and strange woman.

"She's a friend of mine, from Gallifrey. She's called the Artist, because of her talent to draw most anything, including past, present, and future. That's why she held your guys head, she's most likely drawing something from your past. She literally has to draw for her life, otherwise she'll either end up almost dead, or crazy. She was one of a kind on Gallifrey, know one knew what was wrong with her. She was friends with me and the Master back at school. She was an outcast, all three of us were. I am also pretty sure she and Koschei had a thing, but I didn't know she was alive, I didn't know she survived the time war.... must've escaped... any way, she's cool, as cool as bowties and fezes. Quite fun to hang around." The Doctor looked back at the Artist, who was pulling the two pages from her notebook and turning to face them.

"Here you are! Two drawings for Amelia and Rory the Roman! Though I still think you should be called Ricardo..." She held out two pages in front of them, and once again, both were speechless. They took the drawings and gasped. For Amy, Artist drew a little Amelia Pond, out in her yard, sitting on her suitcase, waiting for her raggedy man. The details were flawless, amazingly detailed, that it almost seemed impossible that she had drawn it in ten minutes. Rory's was as equally amazing, and beautifully detailed. He was dressed as a centurian, waiting in front of the Pandorica, under Stonehenge. The artwork was amazing, and all they could do was stare at it.

"There we are then," the Artist whispered to the Doctor, "the couple who waited." The Doctor smiled, before clapping loudly.

"Alright everyone in the TARDIS! We're going someplace fun! Come on Artist! You're coming too!"

Artist smiled. Boy, how she had missed Thete.

A/N: Tell me what you think so far! Vote, comment, don't get busted by wizard cops!

Next chapter soon!

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