Chapter 5

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(OMG i was so CRIngy and I sTIll am just really into eddsworld right now so when I get inspired to write a story I will :3

Nightmares POV
I think I'm going crazy. I feel like cross is the only thing that that's not true but he's a big part of my life now and I hope it stays like that forever. I want to hold him close and never let go I want to cuddle him 24/7 I want to give him kisses and hugs and...other things...but only if he wants to. I up

Dreams POV
Nightmare is just staring off into space I thought he'd be staring at cross. Weird is he ok? I poked him and he shook."huh??!" He looked at me. "oh it's just you." "Bro are you alright?" I asked. He gave me a sad look. "Do you think cross will break up with me when he finds out my "problem?"" He looks down. "no" I smile," Cross seems like a great person and he might even be the one for you. And any person that loves someone would never do that." He smiled a small smile then looked down on the field

*the schools team was up by 7 points and cross had the ball he was running down the field (I succ at sports) but suddenly cross was slammed into the goal pole by another much bigger player nightmare gasped and the coach ref stopped the game

(Well that's all the inspiration I have right now I might right more later but I hopefully will have another chapter of soon or start a new story but once you start something got to finish it good yeet 

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