"Scoot your fat ass over!" He said and pushed me back toward Sam.

"Uh, I kinda can't, dumb ass." I said and slapped him. He slapped me back. Then, it turned into an all out slap fight. I was laughing hysterically as he made a face. I realized I was leaning on Sam and he didn't say anything about it. I smiled slightly.

"What'chu smiling 'bout?" Chris asked.

"None of your business." I answered.

"Kay, you don't have to be a Bitch about it." Everyone gasped and looked at him like he was crazy. I grinned at him and said,

"I know I'm a bitch. Thank you!" I exclaimed and everyone laughed.

"Alright now, if you too are going to fight, get off of the couch. I don't want you two hurt Sam over there. He looks kinda freaked out." Mama said. I looked at him and he was staring at me and Chris.

"Yeah, your right. He's probably never seen a girl fight like I do." I said smugly and crossed my arms.

"He probably has." Chris retorted.

"Whatever, just move your ass over." I said. He did, but he sat on me. "Ah,get off before you kill me!"


"YES!" I pushed him off. "I'd rather get squished the other way instead of you sitting on me and squishing me." I answered. He sat down again. He made sure I was all up on Sam, too. I inwardly groaned, even though I liked being close to him. Eh, I might as well make use of it, I thought and put my head on his shoulder and my feet on Chris. I laughed at the face Chris made when I put one of my feet in his face.

"What, my feet don't stink!"

"Yes they do."









"Ha! I tricked you." I exclaimed. "I bet ya feel stupid now,huh?" He ignored me.

"Alright y'all! Lets get back to work. It looks like it's about to rain. We need to hurry up and get everything in!" Mama said. We groaned and got back to work.

"Chris, I sure as hell hope you've found a good dirt road." I said as I was getting a table.

"Oh yeah, no one drives or goes anywhere near it. It's a great spot for mud bogging." Chris said.

"Awesome." I said.

"What's mud bogging?" Finn asked.

"You really don't know what mud bogging is?" I asked,surprised.

"I do." Sam said.

"Good, how?"

"I was born in Tennessee and we did it all the time up there." He answered.

"Good, when your truck gets fixed bring it and we'll take everyone bogging." I said. He nodded.

"If C.J will ever fix it." He said.

"C.J Dixon?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, why? Do you know him?"

"Hell yeah I know him. He's a good engineer but he's slow as hell. What do you need fixed?"

"Puck took it for a joy ride a few weeks ago and burned the transmission up. I have another one but I don't know how to change it."

"Huh, I'll come to your place tomorrow and fix it for you." Right when Sam was about to answer, there was a loud clap of thunder. Most of the girls screamed, and so did Mike and Finn. I laughed. Everyone ran into the house before it could start raining.

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