A werewolf thing

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I groaned in frustration as my alarm clock started to beep indicating another day of hell was about to start.

Beep, beep, beep.

I slammed my hand onto the snooze button as I threw my arm over my head shielding my eyes.

"Ashton get your lazy ass up now!" my brother Aiden shouted from his room down the hall. I groaned and lazily swung my feet out of bed and onto the floor. I sighed as I got ready for school, or as I like to call it an educational prison.

I started for the door but almost tripped as my foot caught on something. I smirked as I bent down to pick up a pair of Lacy underwear. I guess, uh what was her name? Oh yea Lauren. I guess Lauren forgot a little something, I thought as I threw the undergarment back on my floor and kicked it towards my desk.

I jerked the door open and slammed it shut behind me. I quickly ate my breakfast, trying to escape the horrid encounter of my dad. I put my dishes in the sink and was about to open the door as a deep voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Ashton, we need to talk." my dad, David, said in his alpha voice. I sighed and rolled my eyes before turning around to face him.

"What?" I asked leaning against the doorframe. My dad scowled at my lack of respect but I didn't really care what he thought.

"Listen Ashton, you're eighteenth birthday is in a few months and you still haven't found a mate." my dad said in a stern voice.

"I don't want a mate dad, I never did. And I don't see why I have to have one." I said, disgust lacing my voice.

"You have to one because you're going to be alpha, and every alpha needs a Luna." he said narrowing his eyes.

"Whatever." I mumbled turning around. I was about to open the door when my dad spoke again.

"I just want you to be happy son." he said in a sadder tone. Guilt spread throughout me at how I had spoke to him earlier. I quickly pushed those thoughts away as I flung the door open and left the pack house.

I walked to my sleek black charger and got inside. Being an alpha's son had its perks. I quickly started it up and stated my drive to school.

I didn't understand why I had to have a mate. They just hold you back from everything. I wasn't about to give up my free life for some girl.

I pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car. I quickly locked it and started towards the school. I smirked as girls stared at me, it was no lie I was pretty good looking.

I entered the school and a scent that smelled like strawberries entered my senses making my wolf howl in joy. I quickly shook it off and walked to my locker shooting a wink at Lauren who turned beet red but smiled back.

I opened my locker and got out my books, I might be a rebellious alpha's son but I kept up my grades.

I made my way towards my first class, which was history. I walked up the stairs and down the hall until I reached my room. I walked inside and took my seat at the back of the room.

Eventually the ball rang and my teacher Mrs.Farner seemed to be looking for someone, as she searched the room.

Suddenly my wolf started howling as strawberries filled my senses. My eyes snapped to the doorway as the most beautiful girl I had ever seen rushed inside.

She had wavy light brown hair that reached about the middle of her back. Her eyes were emerald green, and she had a slim petite form. I could tell she was werewolf from her scent. Her eyes snapped to mine and widened.

'Mate!' my wolf cried. Oh shit.


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