"Or else what?" I question.

"They die."

I look at him shocked.

How can you just die with out your mate? Would that happen to Jason if I reject him? At the thought of rejecting him my heart nearly stop. I gripped my chest as the tightening worsened. That's how I knew I couldn't reject Jase he's mine and I am his. If this is the pain he has to ensure until he dies I cannot do it.

"I would never reject you," I soothe mostly myself as I pull Jason closer and kiss his lips softly. I see him smile as I rest my forehead against his.

"You're so perfect, Gwen," he tells me. I can tell he really means it because his eyes just brighten and become sincere. "How do I get such a lovely mate?"

After a few moments of silence. I have to ask. Maybe it is just a stupid clarifying question. I know I'll look stupid and if he doesn't say yes I'll get over it. No that a lie. I don't think I could ever get over something like that. It would mean that we weren't supposed to be together and that one day he will find his mate and leave me.

There's only one way to know.

"Does that mean I'm your mate?" I ask queitly. It feels stupid asking such a question and the way he's been talking about it I would think it would be me but maybe I'm just thinking too hard into what he's saying. Maybe-

"Yes, love," he soothed brushing hair out of face and behind my ear. He leaves his hand on my cheek and caresses my face with his thumbs. "You're my true mate. There will never be another girl for me. Only you."

I look deep into his eyes and just saw Jason. Not the wolf creature not the author not the client but Jason. My Jason.

"There is a catch though," Jason says dropping his hand from my face.
I look at him worried.

"What is it?"

"Well the mating process is different for the alpha. And since that's me we have to do it a little different," he explained.

"Like what?"

"It seems as though we have to bond within the full moon period otherwise -uh how can I put this- we can't mate." He said carefully.

"What?" I ask alarmed. "Either we mate within the full moon or we're not mates?"

"No we would still be mates just not official ones. We would be half bonded where you couldn't bear my mark and never carry my pups."

"Wait wait wait so you can mark me or im pregnant me?" I ask. "That's not bad. Plus is mating what I think it is or..."

Jason clears his throat. "Well if you're thinking of sexual intercourse you're spot on. And yes it would be bad because other male wolves wouldn't know you're mine."

"I don't see how that's a bad thing?"

"MINE!" He growls flying away from me to stand threateningly near me, looking dangerously protective. His mood flipped so quickly it was frightening. "NO one touches what is Mine!"

"Jase," I say walking over to him and softly touch his ripped bicep. "No one will ever touch me but you."

"You don't know that. That's why you Need the mark to warn other men who want a pass at you." He said.

I move my hand to his cheek to cup it tenderly. He nuzzles his face into me like cat would. Leaning into my touch like he couldn't get enough.

"When is the full moon?" I ask afraid of a close date.

"It has to be within 5 days of the full moon." He says avoiding the question. I ignore it because I have worse fish to fry. Like having sex in general for example.

"Oh my god," I groan. "I don't even know what we have to do for it!" I say plopping down on the bed minutes away from a sob fest.

"Gwen, it's my fault. I've never had to explain it to anyone before. I didn't do a good job explaining it, kitten. It's my fault. Don't worry," he kisses my neck and face trying to comfort me.

"Well, I guess this is the first for both of us then." I trail off. "Is the mating thing what I think it is?"

Jason scratches his head hesitantly. "If your thinking of... sex then yes." His voice is almost shaky out of nervousness. By the way he's acting I'd say he's a-

"Oh..." This is a lot to take in. But I can get over all that but the mention of sex has blown my mind. Has he had sex before? How soon do we have to do it? I am even good at sex? Is he a virgin?

We sit there in silence for a moment while I try to sort out my mind. The though of him with another women makes me go mad. He must have because of his writings. They are so erotic and realistic, it sounds experienced. Plus his kissing is to die for and he knows exactly how to please me. He has to have done it before.

I have to know. "Jason," I whisper, feeling embarrassed all of a sudden.

His head perks up and he looks into my eyes hopeful.

"I need to know," I cringe. "Are you a virgin?"

His face doesn't change in expression which makes me more nervous as if I crossed a line. Maybe that is private and it's rude of me to ask. "I only ask because I feel so inexperienced and-and innocent when it comes to actually doing it. Plus the idea of you with a.. another women makes me so angry, I can't even describe."

Jason's face changes drastically ton an amused smirk. He smiles even wider when after I talked about my jealousy. God he must think I'm a dweeb.

"Oh, my kitten," he chuckles. "I have never touched another woman or man in my life. You are the only thing I ever want in my bed and nobody can change that. My stories are so elaborate because I just have connected with the wants and lust of my wolf when he thinks about our mate."

He brushes my hair behind my ear and caresses my cheek. "If anyone is naive it's me."

"How?" I ask turning to look into his eyes.

He hold eye contact as he says lowly and gruffly, "Just the thought of you reading my dirty novels made me cum in my pants to quick I had to change pants."

I gasp and shudder. I've never made anyone orgasm before, besides myself, of course. How can he turn me on so quickly with out even touching me.

"When?" I blurt.

He smirks knowingly. "When, what?"

"When can we mate?" His face scrunches up in pleasure and surprise. He shudders and grips my neck to pull me closer to his mouth. Once his lips touch my ear and says "Whenever you want baby."

I shoot him a look after I over come my arousal. "I mean, when is the full moon period in which we have to have sex?"

"It starts tomorrow."

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