The Cat in the Cafe

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At exactly 8:00 am the next morning I open my eyes only to immediately jump out of bed. I am late. So late! I can't take it. There is nothing more that I hate than being late. It infuriates me. My hair isn't even dry from my hasty shower when I skid into my car. My outfit is just as beautiful as any day so only some one that knew me would think I was in a rush this morning.

Opening the cafe doors I am met by the aroma of coffe. It makes me suppress a moan. Ugh, caffeine! How I crave it!

My dreams of caffeine are deflated when I see that chairs are over flowing with people and the line is incredibly long. I sigh, lifting my purse higher on to my arm before taking a walk of disappointment back out the doors and to my car.

When I am just about to open the door someone grabs ahold of my wrist. I snap my head to the perpetrator. Thinking it is a strange man or a con artist I grip my purse tightly to me. My heart swells as I fix my eyes upon Jason, or Mr. Swan. As elegant as his handsome last name he leaned reaching for my wrist.

"Miss. Gwen, what a coincidence." He says sarcastically. "Would you like to join me for a spot of tea?" I tear my eyes from his moving lips to his eyes. I gulp, I am beginning to rebuke my decision to meet him.

"Actually Jason, I'm in sort of a rush so I do not have enough time to wait in this long line. I know I said yesterday I would but things have changed and now I simply do not have the time! Thanks but no thanks." I tug my arm back, hard enough to escape his grasp and spin around once again reaching for the stainless steel exit. And like clockwork my hand is caught by a warm embrace once again.

I send Jason a dry look from beneath my mascara free lashes. "Really?" I plead.

He only nods, "I don't see why not, it will not take that long."

I send him another dry look. His lips turn into a simple smile. It looks amused but also excited. "I promise, kitten."

With a blush on my cheeks he gently tugs us straight to the counter past 15 or more patiently wait customers. When they see us pass they simply tilt their head in a different direction and the select few who did not move their gaze at first become fearful and followed the others.

Before I know it Jason begins to order us coffee. He strangely knows exactly what I like. Which makes me both suspicious and excited. When our order is filled and set upon the marble counter top Jason takes the coffees and walks us to a booth at the back of the cafe.

I am hesitant to sit down. First I let him cut in line then drag me to a secluded area in the back of a cafe? What has gotten into me?

Jason seeing me having a conflict with taking a seat offers to have is sit at a different table. I only shake my head and slide as when as I can with a skirt on, into the booth.

I look across the booth at him after a moment, to see him gazing happily in my direction.

"Jason..." I mumble, completely terrified I'd break the moment.

"Yeeeeeees?" He drawls out smoothly. Well, maybe not smoothly his voice is far closer to gravel than slick concrete but only in the sexy husky way.

"We should get to work, Mr. Swan. We do have a dead line as you know." I tilt my eyebrows at him curiously. As if I had broken a spell he shakes his head clearing away his trance. Now back to a complete sober face I cannot help but think that he is way sexier with a smile upon his lips.

"Of course," he nods professionally. "Did you edit it? Is there anything you do not understand?" He asks.

I shake my head. "Of course not! It was nothing I haven't read before. Although some of the chapters were pretty steamy." I admit with only a little heat on my cheeks.

A delightful chuckle follows. "I full heartily agree! I sole purpose of writing this is to arose." His eyes darkened a shade or two. "Did it make you aroused, kitten?"

My mind went completely blank like someone has erased my hard drive. I am at a loss if words. Heck I am at loss for everything. I know the answer the only thing I do not want to do is exactly that. I know the answer will humiliate me. Knowing the outcome yet I open my mouth and unleash a fire inside of both if us.

"Yes, very much so."

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