"Probably Iva," I muttered to myself. Then I climbed out of the car. Before I could leave Will grabbed my hand.

"If you breathe a word of this to anyone, you'll be next."

My breath hitched in my throat and I wasn't sure if it was because he'd threatened my life or grabbed my hand. All too soon Will released my hand and got back in his car, driving off.

Even after taking three showers I still couldn't get rid of that skin crawling feeling. I was laying in bed trying to sleep, but every time I closed my eyes I kept seeing that woman's face and I'd jump up terrified. After the fifteenth time that had happened, I texted Will.

Me: Hey


Can't sleep?

Me: I can't stop seeing her face in my head. Who is she?


Don't worry about it.

Me: Don't worry about it!? That's the first time I've ever touched a dead body!


It gets easier.

Me: I'm not doing that again.


Why not? I've been doing it since I was 16.

Me: That's not going to help my nightmares.


What are you, 6?

Me: I'm someone who's never had to get rid of a dead body because I'm not crazy!


Leia, chill. Seriously? It's not that big of a deal.

Me: Maybe not to a serial killer. But to a girl whose worse habit is cursing, it's a big fucking deal.


Just go to sleep Leia.

Me: I can't.


Do you want me to come and cuddle with you? (;

Me: That thought is more disturbing than anything.


Then go to sleep.

Me: But I'm scared.

Will didn't answer and after ten minutes I texted again.

Me: Hello?

Another ten minutes went by without a response, so I texted again.

Me: Will, stop being an ass.

Suddenly there was a knock on my window and I jumped. The window slid open and someone jumped in. I got ready to punch the intruder when he said, "Relax. It's me." I sighed and whispered, "What are you doing here?"

"You said you couldn't sleep," Will replied, shrugging off his jacket and kicking off his shoes. I saw he was wearing sweatpants and a tight tee shirt that showed off his abs. Suddenly I felt very nervous in a way that had nothing to do with the fact there was a serial killer in my room.

"Well, move over," Will said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I scooted closer to the wall, still extremely nervous. Will sat on my bed, pulling my duvet over him. He held his arms out and I eyed him nervously.

"Just come here," he sighed. "I'm not going to hurt you." I slowly moved closer to him and Will wrapped his arms around my shoulders, laying down and holding me so my head was on his chest and I could hear his heartbeat. When I was close I could hear his heartbeat speed up, but I ignored it and suddenly felt oddly calm. I fell asleep with my nightmares finally gone.

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