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Kolyn Gervacio

Alexa Picatso

1: Starting Line

My head’s throbbing, my throat’s dry, my hands can’t move, only my legs are free. I jerked it up to feel where I am. Feels like I’m on a soft cushion, the lower part of my body is definitely relaxed but my arms feel swollen and my neck is stiff.

Probably it’s nighttime because I don’t feel any light striking on my face, instead I feel cold, cold enough for me to shiver a little. So, where am I?

I’d like to see where I am, but there’s a gut feeling that I would regret it if I open my eyes.

“Alexa!” whispered a rough voice. Sounded like from the corner of this room.

I stopped flinching and fretting. I can’t move. I froze.

“Alexa, open your god damn eyes!” He pleaded with the tone of scarcity of breath.

I definitely would regret it if I open my eyes now.

“I know you’re awake, please don’t be scared my love.”

I want to throw something or punch him in his guts.

“Alexa, we’ll be together forever from this moment and on.”

Now, I feel like going crazy.

“I DESPISE YOU DISGUSTING CREATURE!” I snapped at him. I moved my arms to take sudden action of slapping him across his face but my hands are tied and he’s on the Far East corner of this room.

“I know you love me, you’ve loved me for years.”

He smiled at me wearing his sinister smile that took me back why we were even here. The reason why I am here. The reason why I offered myself as the sacrifice for this demon, so he would stop trying to kill my loved ones.

I remembered that first day, I arrived at school 20 minutes late for our first class in sophomore year in college.

All of the seats were taken so I have to seat with loser Elliott. As we call this awkward pale white faced guy. He has no friends, he doesn’t speak unless the professors call him to answer questions, and the rest of my block mates tried to befriend him (because he’s good-looking) but they failed, and rumors has it that he’s wicked.

So, then he becomes the class’ loser.

As per status quo, I’m not a loser, nor the It-girl. I’m just one of the average ones completely playing guitar, singing rock songs here and there. Badass as everyone said.

“Alexa Picatso” oh, goodie, the prof just started the roll call.


Loser Elliott’s arms are clasped together on his armchair and his head is faced down at probably nowhere. I don’t know with this guy. He’s always like that as if he’s asked to stay like that for a lifetime.

“So, are you going to duck down like that everyday?” I asked. I’m half hoping he’d respond but it’s cool if he doesn’t.

“Are you talking to me?” He whispered with a raspy voice like he hasn’t spoken in years.

“Yes, who else would I be speaking to?” I rolled my eyes. Duh!

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m just not used to people talking nor speaking to me.” As he responded, the two people in front of us turned to stare at him with shock and then their gazes slipped down to me with questioning looks, and then they stared at each other as if to say ‘He speaks’

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2012 ⏰

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