《 3 》

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And some other names, before I heard it, the name of the one and only guy I was supposed to avoid



"Ok class we have a new student and she's here today, so make her feel welcome" Mr. Victor says

"Aren't you Amelia Dungworth? Like model, singer, artist and scientist?" Kim asks

"Of course she is Kim!" Jerona says

"What? I just wanted to make sure" Kim defends

"You can have a seat now"

"Where?" I ask


"Ok" I say before going to the only free seat left, next to... o boi

"Guessing first time in school with other kids?" Mr. Victor says and I just nodded

"So that's where you're from princess?"

I just ignore him and scribble on my puka pad


Math ^

English ^

Physics ^

Biology ^

Now time for art

"Now class, we have artists in our mist, please give it up for Amelia, Ember and Embry!"
Miss. Katie

Everyone clapped

"So today class we are going to draw, I want you to express your creativity on the easel!"
She gave everyone an easel "Now create!"

30 mins later
"Oh my! Amelia, I love your work!" Miss. Katie

"Thanks, its just a little anime"

"Yes, but it says so much"


She just gives me a smile before walking to Ember

"Oh, such glory Ember!"


I got up and walked over to Ember's masterpiece, it was nice

"Nice going ber!" I say giving her a high five

"Embry!" Miss. Katie exclaims

"Yes miss?"

"I love your creativity! I see you went for nature!"

"Yes miss!" Embry says all perked up

"Oh good choice!"

We went to look at Embry's work, also nice

"I love the colour of the butterflies bry!" I say giving her a high five.

"Thanks, oh and I love your anime!" She squeals excitedly


"Oh! This has absolutely moved me!"

"Well thank you miss!" All three of us exclaim smiling at her

"Well I'm gonna hang you girls artwork on the wall!"


School is finally over!

"Girls gonna head home, see you later!" I tell the twins walking away, they had to go for their mom's, so they had to go with the limousine that had come to pick them

"K" They said in Sync

But little did I know the big surprise waiting for me at home

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