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Armie and Timmy are 2 months into their promotion for the second installment of Call me by your name, they are in New York on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.

"Please Welcome my First guests Armie Hammer and Timothée Chalamet " Jimmy Fallon announces, as Armie and Timmy walk out.

"Wow, Armie I've got such beard envy right now, my gosh your beard is amazing!" Jimmy says stroking Armies beard.

"Yeah, I'm growing it for my next film that starts next month. And let me tell you he hates it, my oldest daughter hates it and my son hates it. The only ones that love my beard is our twin girls, they love it, and you haven't lived until you have two babies trying to yank out your facial hair." Armie laughs pointing to Timmy.

"Well that's why I had to shave my beard, the wife hated it, even my girls hated it." Jimmy laughs.

"In my defense I don't completely hate it, but when you go to be romantic with someone and you are attacked by this mass of hair. It's tough." Timmy chuckles.

"Yeah yeah I really annoy Timmy when I eat because I know food in the beard irritates him and he does the whole whipping his imaginary beard when he watches me eat. I clearly eat sloppy just to watch him, but our kids think it's funny."

"Oh my gosh your kids are adorable, I met just your twins backstage and I met Timmy's mom. Oh my gosh they are such cute babies and their names are?" Jimmy gushed.

"I know they are pretty cute my two oldest ones are back home in L.A in school so they couldn't come, but our girls names are Daisy and Rose and they are 11 months old." The audience claps and Jimmy holds up a picture of Timmy and Armie holding the twins, Timmy holding Daisy and Armie holding Rose, while Harper and Ford are standing in front of them.

"Now that they are a little older can you see who favors who yet?"

"Yeah a little, like Daisy has green eyes like me which is a dead give away because mine are green and our egg donors eyes are blue, but they both have blonde hair. But what I love is that Daisy is constantly happy, there is no such thing as her being grumpy or in any sort of bad mood. Which Armie say I'm like that through and through, but then you have Rose, who she's happy and laughs don't get me wrong but she gets remotely hungry. She's immediately mad and cranky and Armie gets like that too. He gets hungry and he's instantly cranky." Timmy laughs pointing to the picture.

"Oh my gosh guy's that's too cute."

"You say cute he says it's not, especially when you get me, Rose and Ford all hungry. That's a bad time at the Chalamet-Hammer house right there." Armie patts Timmy on the leg, keeping his hand there.

"Now I think this is really amazing, you guys have the second part of Call Me By Your Name out, it released at Sundance, you shot it at the beginning of last year. I saw it last night and I almost hate to say it but wow it may actually be slightly better than the first one." Jimmy said slightly guilty.

"Well I don't know. I don't think anything will beat Call me by your name for me, I don't know about Armie but that film was the start to my career. And it was just that film for me, I made amazing and life long friends, I met this guy during it. It's just, I don't think anything will ever be better in my eyes." Timmy gushes.

"I think what makes this film just a touch better is that Oliver and Elio are not kids anymore, they have grown. Oliver is married with kids and Elio is out in the world sharing his music and discovering things. But it follows the two of them separately and then when they meet up again in the middle. I don't want to spoil it because the second film is only loosely, like very loosely based on the last chapter of the book." Armie explains.

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