I Hate This Game

507 16 8

Marry, kiss, kill, fuck-

Mondo, Chihiro, Mikan, Maizono

Aghh, nooo! I hate this game! All it does is humiliate people or make them feel bad about themselves, and I'm not about those bad vibes, man. *sighs*

Shoot, I don't wanna play this...I mean, I'd marry, fuck, kiss, and kill myself, does that count? No?

Dammit. Uhh...God, this game sucks.

Kill? Ugh, seriously? You should never tell anyone you want to kill them, that's so goddamn rude. Like, why would you wanna make someone feel that way?

Do I really have to answer? ....Well, I already kinda killed Maizono-

Sorry, sorry, that joke was in bad taste, forget that, I tend to joke when I get nervous, ugh-

Moving on...

But then who the hell would I marry- Okay, listen, I know I've dated my fair share of girls and all, but c'mon, man, I'm a high-school student, I don't want to get married yet!

Kissing is easy enough, but- It's not easy for everyone. Just because I have no problem doing it doesn't mean I can just look at a person and say 'Hey, wanna put your mouth on my mouth?'

And have you read the people on this list? Two of them would try and stab you, and you'd probably make the other two cry, and I'm not about that life-

Fuck- You can't just- You can't just point at someone and say 'Oh, I'd do that,' you just don't do that! Bruh, that's just disrespectful, and let me tell you this right now, it doesn't matter who you'd wanna take to bed, because if you don't show respect, you don't get the sex-

Okay, you know what, to hell with this.

First off, I think I'd choose to try and kill Mondo.

...That's it. I'm done.

I'm positive Mondo would punt my ass six ways from Tuesday, all the way from here to Kingdom Come. I ain't even ashamed to admit it, have you seen what he did to Naegi in the opening ceremony? He'd wipe the floor with me.

There, now everyone's happy, nobody's feelings got hurt, and I don't have to play this stupid game anymore.

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