"So, Maisie, can I see you again?" Logan hadn't taken his eyes off of me.

I laughed to myself. See me again? We hadn’t even started this evening. I responded easily, brushing him off, "Let's start with drinks." 

He hesitated, but nodded. "Deal."

"Maisie," Hallie poked my shoulder. I turned around on the barstool, taking my eyes from Logan's to meet hers. I sipped another drink, feeling yet another rush. I'd be sick tomorrow. "Look at Violet."  

We both looked at her again, and I covered my mouth. Tony's hand was resting on her knee, and she leaned forward again, laughing. I looked quietly at Hallie, my eyes widening. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the shock of her eagerness, or maybe a combination of both, but as the room began to spin around me, I looked back to Logan.

"So, Maisie," Logan looked at my near-empty drink, pausing. I shook my head, not needing anymore, "You said you work at Layla's?" 

I nodded, taking another glance at Violet. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Hallie leaning forward on one elbow, deep in conversation with Matt. They got along well, but as I considered the distance between them, I concluded that there was no romantic interest.  

I was good at concluding things like that. I learned from Violet, the best of the best.  

"I'll have to visit. I work at the market across the street." 

"I work on Wednesday." I felt the words leave my mouth before I could stop them. It had been a habit, shooting off false information. It was a game I had been playing for years. Hallie and Violet loved it, usually. They’d sit across from me in the booth, tilting their heads back, laughing. The boys were usually oblivious to the lies, which only made them laugh harder. Giving out fake numbers was my specialties. The boys usually tried to call me that night, instead getting  a hold of either Violet or Hallie. In a way, they weren’t necessarily fake. They just weren’t mine. I would lean back on the hood of Hallie’s convertible, listening to them attempt to scare off the numerous boys with fake accents. Once, Hallie even spoke fluently in Spanish. Violet and I had never laughed so hard when the caller began to speak back.

“Shit,” Hallie mumbled, closing the phone. The voice was cut off, and we were laughing. “You’re a bitch, Hallie.” I would tell her. She’d wink, smiling, “At least I wasn’t the one giving out fake numbers.”

“Not fake,” I protested, holding up a finger, “Simply not mine.”

"I'll stop by." He grinned.

Hallie poked my shoulder, leaning forward to whisper in my ear.  I turned my head slightly, listening. I kept my eyes fixed forward on Logan’s, however.

"Mace, you don't work Wednesday." She whispered. Logan looked back to the bartender, ordering himself another drink. He had just finished his first, while I was finishing my fourth. I took my eyes away from him for a moment, looking at Hallie.

Smirking, I answered, "I know." 

"Devious. You bitch," She grinned, turning back to Matt.

"Maisie,” A voice came strongly from behind me.

I turned around. Upon noticing who it was, however, I turned back, refolding a pair of jeans. I ignored him, not expecting to see him here. I looked up, watching a customer come out of one in the fitting rooms in a small bikini. She stopped in front of the mirror, turning to look at her back. Without taking her eyes from herself, she spoke.

"How's this?" She wondered, still examining her body in the new suit.  

"Sexy." Logan called out from behind me. 

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