A Break in the Routine (Chapter One)

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Hello. :)

Welcome to my second fanfiction. I've been working on this for quite a while now, and I'm hoping that I'll be able to continue writing this without much writer's block. I personally love my OC in this one (although her personality doesn't really shine through in this chapter)... and I'm hoping you will, too.

As I'm sure you read from the summary, Suigetsu is also involved. I don't see much SuigetsuXOC fanfiction, so I'm glad to add to that small number. I just absolutely love him, and I feel like he's underrated.

Reviewing/messaging is encouraged! This story is also up on fanfiction.net. :)


Chapter One

He silently opened the door, allowing a sliver of light to stream into the dark room. Fear struck me like lightning as he did so, but no matter how much I tried, I couldn't raise myself up from the bed for more than two inches. His lips curled into his usual sadistic sneer as he slowly took each step required to reach my helpless form on the dilapidated bed. Despite the lack of sufficient light, I absorbed in every detail with my wide eyes. I was fully conscious, but I wasn't going to be for long.

When his overpowering frame finally stood above me, I stopped trying to move my muscles; it was no use. Resigning this time, I braced myself for what was about to come.

He chuckled, but there was nothing but malice in his laugh. "Well, well. You're feeling obedient today, aren't you?"

Sucking up as much of my saliva as I could, I spat at him in an act of defiance, albeit very small. Nonetheless, his expression contorted to that of fury as he slapped me across the face. I felt a strong sting on my cheek where he hit me, but it wasn't the worst thing he had done to me by far.

"Respect me, you ingrate," he growled. "You should feel grateful that I'm even keeping you alive."

"Like hell... I will..." I managed to croak out.

His eyebrows furrowed even more as he slapped me again. "You'll regret what you've done. Unfortunately, I have to do it quickly this time, but you will definitely be punished later."

Just the prospect of the future punishment filled me with large amounts of apprehension and terror, but I still wasn't going to do anything but oppose him. I could only glare when he placed his hands on my stomach. I could only try to glare when blue chakra enveloped them, illuminating the surrounding area. When I felt the life being sucked out of me, my facial features fell slack, but I cursed him in my mind until the world of unconsciousness temporarily took me away from the torture.


The beginning of the cycle started again when I felt myself return to reality. It was always like this- he would suck out my chakra until he rendered me unconscious, I would wake up, and he would proceed to do it again and again. He never took enough to kill me, but I was always too weak to walk, let alone stand. Even though he left me bread and water on the nightstand next to my degraded bed, it never provided enough energy for me. This had all been going on for nearly three years now. Sometimes, I really wanted to die... The endless torture would stop if I did.

But with a jolt, I realized that one aspect of my whirlpool of anguish was missing.

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