Chapter 17 : Thanksgiving (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Look at your self, bitterness and hatred taking over you. You're destroying yourself from the inside. That's where hatred always starts, then it make its way on the outside."

Adar choked, alarmed at seeing blood coming out with spittle.

"If I win the duel-" began Adar.

"WIN!" Cade Exclaimed with incredulity. "There is not true purposes for those words here. You either live or die!"

Adar wiped the remaining blood from his chin, with his wrist."Well, then before I send you to hell where you belong, I'll rip out the whereabouts of Langstrom along with your heart!"

"Why, a Christian shouldn't be talking like that, should he? " Cade joked.

Adar clinched his fists at his side, his anger taking great hold on him. "I'm not a Christian, and I doubt that I will ever be. I merely believe in the existence of God."

"Believe in God, yet not worship him?!" Cade mused." I myself don't believe in a God! This world had been doing fine without one. You yourself make no sense! How can you be a believer in God, and not worship him!"

Adar felt his heart slow. He remembered his mother had always trained him to try to behave like a Christian, but in truth he was sure he was no better than an unbelieving murderer.

"The answer is simple," replied Adar. "Satan believes in God, yet chooses not worship him. Even his fallen angels believe in God. You are more foolish than even them."

Cade let out a crazed laugh." You have bested me!  I believe you to be a demon then!"

"You will tell me the location of Langstrom," said Adar.

"Why don't you ask your father?" Cade snickered.

Adar rushed forward to get his dagger, sliding and grabbing it off of the floor.

Cade smiled, moving rapidly towards Adar. "I won't fall for the same thing twice."

Adar pounced upwards, slicing up, feeling his dagger strike both of Cade's knives.

"Sensitive aren't we?" Cade taunted.

"Dead aren't you?" Replied Adar.

Both of their face were inches away, weapons still locked on each other.

Adar slowly felt Cade's knives seemingly begin to over power his upward force.

"We will meet in the great field on the east part of town," whispered Cade as he leaned forward. "We will have our duel on the eve of Christmas. Be prepared. Bring your own sword. If you tell anyone, especially John, of our conversation, then be assured, Melanie will disappear before you can scream for help."

Adar gritted his teeth. He drove his whole body against Cade, flying forward. Cade had sidestepped, moving entirely out of the way.

Adar realized his back was now wide open.

He instinctively gripped his dagger and planted his foot, ready to ensue a rapid counter attack, but stopped dead cold as the front church door opened.

"Mrs. Willis said he went in here," said a voice all to familiar to him.

Melanie, thought Adar.

Melanie walked in, Richard following.

Light filled the church, as the door had opened. Melanie smiled as she saw Adar, but her face turned quizzical as she saw the man standing behind him.

"We were looking for you, Adar," said Melanie. She noticed the discomfort hanging thickly in the atmosphere. "We were hoping you would play blind man's buff with us." 

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