2. When Boyfriends Come To Visit

Start from the beginning

"Yes, and I told Allison that," Damon continued as he realized something. "And she told me you never called her. What the hell is going on now?!"

Holden sighed deeply. "There's no way Izzie would run away from you, Damon. I know she loves you."

"Well, maybe she didn't as she told me," Damon shrugged as Holden could see hurt evident on Damon's face. Holden was not gonna believe that Izzie left them by her own will. That didn't sound like the real Izzie he knew. "Maybe she just played with my feelings because she's just like her grandmother? Or maybe she got bored of me already? Whatever it is, I'm done."

Damon then stood up and started to walk away. He passed Holden, who remembered Silas' words. "If not both..." he quoted so Damon stopped to look at Holden in confusion. "What if it was Silas?"

"What?" Damon asked with a grimace. "Silas is a stone, Holden. He's gone."

Holden raised his green eyes at Damon, telling him that he was not.

IT WAS MORNING AS HOLDEN, DAMON AND SHERIFF FORBES STOOD AT THE EDGE ABOVE THE QUARRY. "Holden, I know I said I'd help you two find your brother, but I can't dredge this entire quarry," Liz explained as Holden turned to look at Damon.

The previous night Holden told Damon everything that happened after he left so Damon was more than shocked to know that Stefan spent his whole summer suffering because of Silas, who apparently looked exactly like their younger brother. "It's enormous," Liz told them as Holden nodded his head.

"I know, Liz. I mean, why else would Stefan drop Silas body here?" Holden questioned as Damon frowned slightly. He felt guilty of leaving for nothing, but he still didn't believe that Silas had to do anything with Izzie's disappearance.

"Now, say, I'm Silas," Damon spoke for the first time as Holden looked at him. He had to admit he missed Damon during the summer. "And I wanna take my doppelgänger's life, which is still a shock to me, Holdie. Why wouldn't I dump him in a place that's big and deep, where no one would find him?"

Liz looked at the Salvatores tiredly. "Damon, I already agreed to hold off on telling anyone about the Mayor's death until Holden figures this all out, but I can't devote those kind of resources to finding one person who may or may not be down there."

"Well, we gotta have a place to start at," Holden told her seriously. "And if Stefan is truly down there, that means he's been drowning for the whole summer while I played home with Elena. Do you really wanna hear more of my urgency?"

Sheriff pursed her lips before nodding her head. "I'll get some deputies on it."

"Thank you, Liz," Damon told her so she walked away as Holden turned to Damon, who was staring at the quarry.

"Still don't think Silas had anything to do with Izzie too?" Holden questioned as Damon grimaced before shaking his head. "Why are you giving up so easily, Damon?"

Damon's head snapped at Holden. "Giving up? Because what you're suggesting is crazy. How could you have called Allison's number and Silas was the one to answer and play mind tricks that he was Izzie's mother? Do you even hear what I'm saying?"

"Silas is good at playing mind tricks. He's powerful, Damon. What if he took Izzie along with Stefan to play with us. We were the one's to stop him," Holden explained. He was in denial to think Izzie would cut everything off with them. It wasn't her or at least Holden thought so. "What if Stefan and Izzie was his way of paying back? It's possible, Damon."

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