Chapter 16

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Astrid's POV.

I woke up this morning with a pair of arms around me. I turned to see Hiccup sleeping peacefully. I smiled at the thought....wait am I still clothed? I looked down to see I still had everything on from yesterday. We stayed the night at the cove after the argument yesterday with Spitelout.

I softly lifted Hiccup's arm up and got up to make something to eat. I saw Stormfly and Toothless sleeping by a cliff wall. It was cute. They looked so peaceful. I than went to see the time and it was 7. Not to early but not so late. I woke Stormfly to start a fire.

"Pss Stormfly. Wake up girl. I need your help. Pss"

Just than she looked at me and yawned. She got up and went to the pile of sticks and wood. I nodded to let here know that's where and she lit it up for me.

"Thank you Stormfly"


She went and later down again while I went to catch a few fish. The water was a little cold but the fish were plentiful. I caught 4 and headed back to the fire. Than I heard a moan


I looked back to see Hiccup stretching his arms and yawning.

"Morning babe :)"

"Morning Astrid. You sleep ok?"

"Of course!!! I slept by you. That's all I want."

"Oh go-

He stopped what he was gonna say. I looked to see him holding his side. That damn Snotlout. I'm gonna beat the crap out of him!!

"Hiccup are you ok? Do you need help?"

"No I'm fine...."

He got up and walked slowly to me. His side was hurting him bad. He sat next to me and gave me a kiss on the lips and smiled. I just adore when he does that, soo I kissed him deeper. It was going soo great until I accidentally touched his gash.


"Oh my gods Hiccup I'm soo sorry. I didn't mean to-

he just kissed me again and said

"It's ok Astrid. I'd rather you hurt me than Snotlout or anyone else."

Right when I heard him say that I could hear the sincerity in his voice. I finished cooking 2 fish, so me and him both ate 1. The other 2 fish we gave to Toothless and Stirmfly. It was nice and calm but we had to get back soon. But Hiccup beat me to saying it.

"Astrid we should probably go back. We need to feed Stormfly and Toothless more and get home."

"I know.... It's just so nice with just you and me....together, alone."

"I know Astrid, we will be alone again soon enough, but we should go. Plus I need to check this with Goober and see what he thinks."

"Ok fine...."

Hiccup's POV.

After we got done eating we left to my house. We went in and grabbed a barrel of fish for Toothless and Stoymfly. While they ate we told them to play when they are done. Astrid and I are going to walk to Gobber's to check the gash. As we were walking we saw Snotlout. I'm not gonna lie, the only reason I love his is because he is family.

As we saw him Astrid was gripping my hand with force. She was getting more angry the closer we got. I whispered to her

"Astrid, honey it's ok. I'm fine and I'm ok. Calm down."

So she couldn't just listen to me. She had to fight what I was saying.

"No Hiccup you are not fine! You were healing and he hit you there. It reopened."

"It's ok. Just calm down till we get t-

I was just interrupted by Snotlout.

"Umm...uh Hiccup?"

As always Astrid had to speak up. I love her but it's the guys job!

"What do you want Snotlout? You already did enough damage yesterday."

" can we speak privately Hiccup?"

"Oh no you do-

I cut Astrid off before we had a fight.

"Yes Snotlout. Come with me. Astrid, please head to Gobbers. I'll be there Shortly."


"Astrid it's fine. Please..."

"Fine Hiccup.."

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and smiled. She smiled back and let go of my head to start heading to Gobbers.

"Now what do you want Snotlout?"

"Umm....uh I just wanted....uh to...say....I'm sorry......"

"What?? Did I hear you correctly?"

"Yeah... I'm sorry. Not just for what happened yesterday...but for everything I've ever done.... I was just jealous of you is all.. You could make perfect weapons in the forge and you got Astrid!! I was just always Jealous that you could do soo much.... I'm sorry.."

"Snotlout.. It's ok. What you did to me wasn't harmful. You made me stride for better. And now look at me. I am. So thank you Snotlout for your apology."

"Uh.....WHAT? Your not going to hurt me or decline it?"

"No Snotlout, because that would make me just like you. An arrogant punk. No offense."

"None taken. Thank you."

"Yeah...well I probably should go....Astrid is waiting. And Gobber needs to check my gash...soo"

"Yeah. Ok later Hicc..."

I can't believe he just apologized to me. I just started walking to Gobbers and I saw Astrid run up to me and hold my hand again. But I'm still in shock!!! The biggest ass on Berk just apologized to me!!! What!! Just than I heard Astrid say

"Hello?? Berk to Hiccup? Babe?"

"Huh what?"

You didn't hear my question? What did Snotlout want?"

"Oh...he just apologized to me. For everything he has ever done to me in my life..... He said he was always jealous of me..."

"What?? Are you kidding? You've got to be lieing.."

"No Astrid, he really did just apologize to me."

"No wonder why you didn't hear me. You must be just as shocked as me... Well at least that's over with."

"Yeah. Now let's get to Gobber so he can Check on my injury."

"Yeah that's a good idea."

We got to Gobber to see that he was working on a dragons teeth. Yes, Gobber was once a fierce dragon fighter. Now he is the dragon dentist. But I just waited for him to get finished.

I sat outside for half an hour, holding hands with Astrid. Than I hear Gibber say, all right Hiccup get in here. I did what he said and I took my Armor off. As he was unwrapping the bandages, he said

"Whoa, Hiccup have you seen this?"

Muahahaha ima put a cliff hanger. It's ok though, I'll probly update once more tonight. Sooo later


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