Chapter 8

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I walked into history class, 20 minutes before the class actually started.

I looked decent today and I was happy, which I usually never am on Mondays.

The classroom door opened to reveal a beautiful Damien, sitting on his oak chair and reading a thick novel. My eyes stopped at the novel as I read the title page.

"Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov. Girl with red heart shaped sunglasses on the edge of her nose, and a cherry coloured lollipop in her red stained lips.

I wondered what he thought about this book. Did he think it was exciting, to have a love affair with a minor, a young girl, or was he simply just reading it?

I was snapped out of my unusual trance when Mr. Clarke purposely cleared his throat. I tore my eyes way from the book.
Both of our green eyes made a uncomfortably long contact before he looked away.

"Why so early? Miss Belle." He said in his naturally deep voice, smooth enough to wake every nerve in my body.
His eyelashes gently fluttered in amusement as, I didn't respond and made my way to where he was sitting.

His face turned upwards so he can see me, as he was sitting and I was standing and peering into his deep green eyes.

I placed my hand on the wood table in the middle of both of us. Blocking any kind of physical contact. I leaned until I was a few inches away from his angelic face.

"If you can't already tell, I enjoy your company, Mr. Clarke." I said slowly and my voice so low, that it was barely audible even to me.
Just as I think he was about to respond in someway, the door opened, making me back away instantly.

A sleepy boy with ash blonde hair and brown eyes walked into the classroom, he had his phone in his hands and was tapping away.

A sigh of relief escaped my mouth. I was unable to keep my demeanour in front of this beautiful human being.
I stole a quick glance towards him and saw that his eyes were on my aśs. I smirked to myself and walked to my desk, swaying my hips, but still made it look natural.

I began to take out some books from my bag, and a few moments later the class began to fill up. Students with tired eyes piled up.

As the school bell rang, signalling the start of the class, I couldn't help but feel sad that Leia wasn't here. I took out my phone from my pocket and texted her asking why wasn't she here today.

"Okay class, today we are going to do something interesting." Mr. Clarke said, clapping his hand together once. "If any of you have took Arts as a subject too, you already know that I'm your arts teacher as well."

Wait what? I had arts, but I wasn't informed that he was our arts teacher. "Today you all are going to sketch your favourite character from any book, if you want you can also take a book from the bookshelf." He said as he walked back to his chair.

I figured that this was just an excuse to make the student read the syllabus books.

Ofcourse, my favourite novel of all time was Lolita.
I walked to the bookshelf that was placed at the end of the room. I started to search for the books, and when I failed to find it, I gave up and went over to Mr. Clarke.

He looked busy checking ,what I assumed, were assignments. His gaze diverted from the papers and towards me. His eyebrows raised up, "Need anything, Belle?" He asked nonchalantly.

It was like he wasn't interested in me at all. But if he wasn't interested why did he kept staring at me?

"Actually yes, the book that I need isn't on the bookshelf, but I did see you reading it this morning." I said innocently.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Which book?" He asked, bored.

Was he kidding me? I suddenly spotted the book, it was kept behind him on a table. I looked behind me to the class who was just busy chattering among themselves.

I leaned in closer and closer until my arm reached the book and I grabbed it. I grabbed his arm as support to back up. His biceps were rock hard and I couldn't help but wonder what they would be like without a shirt.

I stood up straight and muttered a thank you before leaving and walking over to my desk.

Belle {Student/Teacher}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ