I shake my head as I say, “I just don’t have the time for him anymore.”

Nearly seven hours later, after spending practically every single hour on my feet assisting and serving customers, I’m finally at home. I’m so exhausted and hungry and I just need a warm, bubbly bath, a foot rub and a large dinner and then my bed. As I enter the apartment, Damion turns around as he hears the door close behind me and then says, “Hey baby,” before turning down the deafening volume on the TV.

I smile at him as a sense of relief and gladness washes over me, and that’s when I realise that I’ve missed him today. With tiredness getting the better of me, I simply drag my feet towards the couch where he is lazily sprawled across. His head is resting on a couple of blue cushions at one end, with his feet relaxed on some more at the other end. Too tired to verbally respond, I simply stand above him and press a gentle but longing kiss on his lips as he tilts his head upwards to meet mine.

As I walk towards the dining table to put my purse down, he asks, “How was your day? You looked stressed and tired.”

“I am,” I reply, my tiredness heard behind my husky, soft voice.

He gets up from his relaxed position in the couch and trails towards me before wrapping his arms around me. He’s standing behind me, so close that I feel the heat radiating from him, warming me all over. I turn around and rest my head against his chest, letting out a deep sigh as I close my eyes and relax into his soothing warmth. He closes his eyes and hugs me as if in deep thought. After a moment, he kisses my forehead, inhales deeply before asking, “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know,” I mumble into his chest, “It’s probably just one of those days.”

“What kind of days?” he asks.

“A hormonal, depressing and tiring kind of day,” I explain.

His nose is in my hair and he inhales deeply. “You smell so good,” he says whilst rubbing my back. “How was your appointment?” he then asks.

“It was good,” I explain as he releases me from his embrace. “Well she measured my bump, took my blood pressure, and took a urine sample and all of the regular stuff.”

“And how is the little man?”

“He’s perfect, everything’s fine with him,” I say, smiling down at my stomach.

“And how is his mummy?” he asks, lightly lifting my chin with his index finger so that he can see my face.

“I’m fine. She said I’m a little low on iron and I’m going to see the midwife soon to ask her some questions as she’s got some stuff to discuss with me regarding the birth and stuff,” I explain.  

“I’m warning you from now because I know that I’m going to freak when you go into labour,” he says, shuddering at the thought. “I was waiting outside of the room when Emma was giving birth to Maddie and then I had to wait in the car until she had finished, it was too gross and hospitals just weird me out.”

I smirk at him before pursing my lips and placing one hand on my hip. “Well, you better man up because I’ll tie you to the hospital bed if that’s what it’s going to take to stop you from bailing on me when I’m in labour,” I say as I playfully punch his arm, but he’s a wall of muscle and doesn’t shift.

He instead automatically grabs my fist and pulls me towards him which leads me to squeal in excitement. With my stomach pressing against his chest, I teasingly murmur, “That’s no way to handle a pregnant woman.”

To my surprise, he leans down and kisses me, playfully biting my lip which causes a grin to spread across my face as I kiss him in return. He then looks at me, his blue eyes dancing with mischief as he says, “And this cute little dress that you’re wearing is a little inappropriate for your horny boyfriend.” I flush and swat him playfully on his chest and he grins before saying, “Well at least I’ve got you smiling again.”

It’s true, he has got me smiling, but not only that, he’s got me grinning stupidly. I love him. These past seven months have probably been the most stressful, crazy and happiest seven months of my life. He’s like my real life fairytale prince who has come into my life and has swept me right off my feet. I know that he sometimes messes up and he can be stubborn at times, especially when it comes to Rosie, but he always makes me feel important and loved and beautiful, every single day.

“What are you thinking about?” he asks, beaming down at me.

“Nothing,” I smile before tip toeing and gently brushing a kiss against his lips.

After taking a long, warm and relaxing bubble bath and eating a cheesy, chicken and pasta salad, I’m finally wrapped up in bed. My stomach is getting so big and I just don’t understand how it’s supposed to get any bigger. It’s so difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position, especially since when I want to sleep; he wants to move around inside and play football with the walls of my stomach. I finally lay on left side, tucking a couple of pillows between my legs and behind my back and I sigh in relief at the comfort. The lights in the room are dim and it’s silent, only the sound of Damion walking around in the en suite bathroom attached to our bedroom. Seconds later, the bathroom door opens and he walks into the bedroom, giving me a full glimpse of the heavenly formed, that is Damion Lucas. His blonde hair is dripping wet, causing drops of water to slowly run down his jaw and then his neck and then onto his chest. I simply stare; trying to stop my mouth from falling open and drooling as I forcefully close my eyes shut, taking deep breaths as I do so. When I reopen them seconds later, he’s staring at me, his ego dancing around the room as a knowing grin is plastered across his face. I flush at my wayward thoughts, pulling the duvet over my head like a sixteen year old girl seeing a naked boy for the first time.

I finally bring the duvet under my chin and smile at him and he returns a tooth-revealing grin as he pulls a t-shirt over his head. We then both burst out laughing like a couple of young kids and he then asks, “Why are you laughing?”

“Why are you laughing?” I then ask in between giggles.

He shakes his head at me, still smiling as he turns off the light switch. The room falls as dark as the Caribbean night sky and I hear and feel his movements as he climbs in behind me, the warmth of his body immediately radiating against mine. We simply lie there and I don’t know how long we lay there, our bodies curled and pressed against each other before drifting into our separate slumbers.

The Night That Changed Everything Where stories live. Discover now