Merlin mumbled something else and the scene changed to show the market.  Arthur started scanning the crowd alongside Lancelot looking for anyone out of the ordinary or Percival or one of the other knights. "There's Percy!" Lancelot pointed after Merlin adjusted their view several times.

"Merlin can you make it so we can see directly across from him?" Arthur asked.

Merlin gritted his teeth but the angle changed once more. "He's not looking at anyone." Arthur said, confused.

"Where are his feet pointed?" Merlin gritted out as the spell seemed to grow stronger for a moment.

"What?" Arthur and Lancelot both looked at Merlin in complete confusion.

"He probably is trying not to look at the person straight on but knowing him is ready to jump in and figut. So which way are his feet pointing?" Merlin sounded very annoyed and like he was concentrating very hard.

"Well there is man who seems to be glancing over at him." Lancelot said.

Merlin took a deep breath and exhaled, "Arthur do you see everyone there?"

"Yes? Why?" The king asked.

The spell died and Merlin stood, eyes opening so he could look at the others for a moment. His eyes remained gold and he for a moment just stood there staring at seemingly nothing. "Alright. I see him." He flicked his now blue eyes toward the door, "I'll be back." He said as he started off.

"Where do you think you're going?" Arthur cried.

"To stop a semi-powerful magician from causing a panic in the square." Merlin said, "I'll be fine. Mordred is meeting me there and Morgana will be able to see from her window so she can help if need be. Which there shouldn't be."

"I'm coming too." Arthur said, "I'm not just going to sit in here Merlin."

"I'm aware of that Arthur." Merlin sighed pausing to look at Arthur, "I don't suppose anything I say will convince you otherwise?"

"You're not even fully healed from the last time you tried fighting on your own." Arthur said, "So I'm coming."

Merlin scowled but continued towards the door, followed by Lancelot and Arthur. The stone masons in the room were still staring in shock between Merlin and the table, trying to wrap their minds around the whole situation. 

The knights outside looked confused as the three walked out of the room. Arthur gestured at them to follow and they did so without question, though they all looked puzzled. Before they got to the court yard Merlin cast a spell to turn them invisible. He glanced back at the others, "Let me at least try to talk to him before you go trying to kill him. Please?"

Arthur looked annoyed but nodded and they moved so they were standing on the steps before the entrance to the citadel. "No one move unless he attacks." Arthur said. 

Merlin huffed and peered across the court yard, "There is more than one way to work out your differences you know."

Arthur rolled his eyes, "How'd you know what the guy looked like? You couldn't see the spell yourself right?"

"You're wearing your crown, Arthur." Merlin said.

"Oh. Wait, you can dig around in my head?" Arthur asked in shock looking at the warlock in both surprise and apprehension. 

"No. Not really. I just saw what you were thinking of at that moment." Merlin said, "And no. I'm not doing it anymore so you can relax."

"Could you, I don't know, tell me before you do that?" Arthur huffed.

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