You Should Know

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"Not so tall any more, is he?" I said, walking over to my father, Craig Cooper. He was strapped down to a metal gurney and I started untying the leather straps.

He looked to his side, over to my best friend Marisa Miller. The one who had saved us all from being eliminated, single handed. Without her, we would either be dead or held as hostages by Richard, my Aunt Erica, and my deranged cousin Abby.

"Marisa, I'd never thought I'd say this, but boy am I happy to see you."

My blonde friend smiled that adorable smile of hers.

"And if we're putting all our cards on the table, you should know K.C. loves you." My brother Ernie announced.

She put a hand over her heart and smiled at me. She didn't understand his words all that well. She didn't know he thought I like-liked her or something ridiculous like that. Marisa thought I loved her as a friend, which I did. And as absolutely nothing else.

After we unstrapped the rest of my family, she grabbed my hand and we walked to the roof, where the stolen helicopter was. My Mother, Kira, my Dad, and Ernie dragging and loading my deranged and knocked-out relatives into the back of the helicopter.

We dropped Marisa off at her house before heading to the Organization. Because boy, would they freak if she came with us. I hugged her goodbye and for a mere second, I felt warm. I turned to my family, who were all eyeing me with stupid looks on their faces.

"What?" I asked.

But they just turned their heads. Ernie looked back at me and this awkward smile of his crept up his face. I gave him a confused look, and he just shrugged.

After getting the good news that we were back in the Organization's program, we drove the rest of the way home. I reached for the keys but was tapped on the shoulder. I turned around and saw Marisa, smiling at me through tears.

"What?" I asked, for the second time today.

"I'm just so glad you're okay. I was afraid that I would never see you again." She wrapped me in a hug. My cheeks began to turn red, and I pulled away.

"Dude, you're the one who saved us. My family wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you."

She hugged me again, "I would do anything for you, K.C. I would die for you, and I'm not just saying that. I love you, so, so, much."

"I love you too..." I said.

But the words seemed so new to me now. Those three words, which I had said to her multiple times. Somehow, to me, they felt like a different kind of love.

Oh, Shit.

I was in love with my best friend.

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