My Marauders Short Story: A Harry Potter fanfiction

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James Potter X OC

Waverley had always been a quiet girl until she met the infamous Marauders. They filled her with pride and love for each and every prank they pulled. She loved them like a family and one just a bit more than that. James Potter, the unofficial leader of the group, was her one and only. He pulled her into this fun loving, prank pulling group and she'd hope he would lead her into an adventure all their own in the same manner.

There were loud thuds on the door of the Gryffindor's girl dormitories and Waverely sighed in frustration. She sat her copy of The Monster Book of Monsters down and marched towards the door. Waverley was the only girl in the dorm today due to the annual trips to Hogsmeade that she had ever so happily skipped this year. She wrapped her hand around the large brass doorknob and easily pulled the door open.

Naturally, her three 'favorite' people happened to be standing in front of her with odd smiles on their faces. Padfoot, Moony, and Prongs were the Marauders and pranksters of the past five years they had all attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. To Waverley's disliking, there was a fourth Marauder by the name of Peter Pettigrew a.k.a. Wormtail. Waverley hated Wormtail quite a bit for some reason but didn't know why so she avoided him if it at all possible.

Prongs or James grabbed Waverley's hand in his own warm ones and dragged her over the dormitory threshold. Her green eyes automatically went to his beneath the thick layer of glasses on his face. His eyes were twinkling with a mischievous light but that was her favorite gleam of all.

"Bloody hell! What do you boys need?" Waverley pretended to be mad to see their reaction.

Unfortunately , Sirius Black or Padfoot saw right through her front so her little game didn't last long at all. Waverley didn't mind being yanked all over tarnation and back by the boys but she could feel the steady heat of a blush rise in her cheeks.

"Oh, a vigoratng game of 7 minutes in heaven and a karaoke battle with yours truly!" James sung and whirled Waverley out into the Gryffindor common room.

He let go of her hand mid swing and launched her right into a plush red and yellow chair. Waverley sat up and touseled her short dirty blonde hair back into its stuck up everywhere state. Sometimes, she'd stick it up extra straight and tall so she could dance around the common room looking like a cactus was growing on her head.

Sirius smirked at her from across the room with his hands behind his head "Of course, I'm going to win! I'm the best singer in the world."

Every eye in the room rolled at this proclamation and a few chuckled from in front of the roaring fireplace. Waverley placed her hands on her hips and swung them widely around with a look of great determination on her small face.

"No, Pads! I think I'm gonna win because I'm pretty awesome. What do you think, Moony?" Waverley retorted and tried to sound bigger and louder than Padfoot had been.

She looked over to the south side of the room where there was just enough light coming off the fireplace to provide a nice warm glow over everything in that area. Curled up in a ball with a book crooked in his lap was a tired looking, as always, Remus Lupin. Remus looked up at Waverley from his many novels and gave her a thumbs up before he returned to his book.

"Good enough for me!" She laughed and stood up out of the chair.

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