As I stepped off I walked into the control room where Barry and Cisco were monitoring.

"So, how fast did I go?" I asked.

"Ella we couldn't reach your top speed. All we know is you are way faster than me. That's saying something." Barry explained.

"You almost fried the speedster treadmill so, we're going to have to take you to the track to find out your top speed," Cisco added.

"Alright," I replied.

"Follow me," Barry said as he sped off leaving a trail of lightning behind him.

I followed him almost passing him before I sped ahead at a higher pace making me trip.

"Ouch. That hurt." I said to myself.

Barry came speeding up behind me stopping to help me up.

"Are you alright?" Barry asked.

"Y-Yeah. I just don't have this whole speedster thing down yet." I replied.

"Don't worry, it takes a little bit to get used to it." Barry assured "Here let's start at a slower speed than what we started with. Just stay at the speed I go at."

Barry started running and I followed trying to match his pace as we ran towards the main training area. As we got to the track I tripped again but was luckily caught by Barry.

"You okay Ella?" Barry asked.

"Y-Yeah, t-thanks Barry." I stammered.

Cisco then cleared his throat as he entered the room.

"Let's get started shall we," Cisco suggested.

I began running around the track gradually getting faster with each lap. Over time I kept getting faster until I got to my top speed.

"Alright, Ella. We got your top speed." Barry announced over the intercom.

I zoom ran down the slope off the track struggling to stop as I stumbled over my own feet. Luckily Barry caught me before I fell on my face.

"You'll get control over it eventually. Trust me, it took me a while to get the hang of my speed." Barry assured.

"Thanks, Barry," I replied as I got up.

"Um, Ella?" Barry asked.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Your shoes are on fire," Barry informed.

I looked down to see that they were indeed on fire. Panicking I stomped the flames out. When the flames didn't go out Barry grabbed a water bottle from the table off to the side and sprinkled it over my shoes.

"Thanks again, Barry." I thanked.

"No problem." He replied.

"Anyway, what was my top speed/' I asked.

"Ella, your top speed is 1600 miles per hour. Barry's is 1534 miles per hour." Cisco replied.

"What?!" Barry and I said simultaneously.

"She is faster than you Barry!" Cisco exclaimed.

"I get that I'm just surprised," Barry replied. "Guess I'm not the fastest speedster on Earth 1 anymore."

"So, Ella would you like me to make you a suit like Barry's?" Cisco asked.

"What is this suit and why does Barry need one?" I asked.

"I have a suit because I save people around the city as the Flash," Barry explained.

"So, you want me to join the team as the Flashette?" I asked.

"First off, I give out the names. Second, I'm going to give you that one because I like it." Cisco replied.

"I don't even know if I can. I"ll already be busy with helping Dr. Wells, being his protege." I explained.

Barry and Cisco went silent as I brought up Dr. Wells.

"Ella, the Dr. Wells you knew died. He was a speedster who went back in time and killed my mother. He wasn't even the real Harrison Wells. He was a speedster from the future named Eobard Thone." Barry explained.

Everything went silent before I spoke up again.

"I'll join you as the Flashette because I want to protect people. I only have one request though>" I exclaimed.

"What's your request?" Barry asked.

"Can I have my suit be White and Gold?" I asked with a serious expression.

Barry let out a laugh.

"Yes, you can Ella," Cisco replied.

"Awesome!" I shouted as I jumped up and down excitedly.

As I was bouncing I slipped on the water on the floor luckily being caught yet again by Barry.

"You need to watch where you step," Barry exclaimed.

I let out a nervous laugh as he stood me upright once again.

'My name is Ella Angeline. And I'm the fastest girl alive. The particle accelerator gave me superhuman speed much like Barry Allen, also known as the Flash. Together we battle metahumans, like us, sent from Earth 2 by Zoom. An evil speedster who is trying to steal our speed. But that won't stop us from protecting the ones we love. I am the Flashette.'

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