Get Lucky *Simon Smut*

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Sitting in the local dive bar absentmindedly twirling my wrist making the my patron swirl around the glass before downing the rest of it. Rubbing my forehead man was today a shitty. Waving down the bar tender he comes over pouring me another glass. The bar stool next to me groaned slightly as someone sat on it. Not paying any attention, I placed the glass to my lips taking a swig. Setting my cup down on the napkin. Looking to the TV as they talk about this new disease making people attack others.

"Why the long face sweetheart?" A man voice came from the bar stool next to me. Rolling my eyes, as I turn my head to look at him. He was balding stumbled with a mustache. He had a pair of jeans on and a black shit underneath a leather coat that had a fleece collar.

"I doubt you actually care," I scoff at him. "But just to entertain you, work."

"You're a little feisty aren't ya?" He says holding his beer to his lips. I finish the rest of my patron. I was not leaving this bar without being drunk. That's why I came here I don't live far a taxi would only cost maybe twenty bucks at most with tip. Lifting my hand to get another drink. "What are you drinking?"

"Patron," Looking at the bar tender who acknowledged me, but was making another drink for someone.

"You're a girl after my heart," He smirks."Tequila is my personal favorite, but let me recommend Don Julio. Has a better taste and it warms on the way down." He leans in I couldn't help but smile at the way he said Tequila. The bartender comes over about to poor me more Patron. "No, get her Don Julio on me."

"So, anyway what's your name?" Raising a eyebrow as the bartender set my glass in front of me.

"Simon, and you are sweetheart?" He was still leaning close to me.

"_____, but sweetheart is fine." Flirting back why the hell not, might as well have some fun tonight. He was a Attractive man built well gave off that alpha male aura. Lifting the glass up to my lips smelling before taking a drink. It had a bite not as smooth as Patron but the flavor was nicer. "Got to head it too you, Simon. You have good taste in liquor." He placed his arm on the back of my bar stool as I turned my body more to him.

"What can I say, I have good taste in general." He says clearing looking me up and down, I could feel the buzz in my system and I knew if I drunk much more I'd be wasted.

"Want a taste? You did pay for it." Taking another sip, I lean closer, smelling the beer on his breath. Leaving my tongue linger on my lips momentarily. Letting him lean in closer to me tilting my head slightly. Feeling his lips press on my softly. His tongue licked my lower lip, opening my mouth slightly. Before pulling back looking at him from the corner of my eye turning my head licking my lips.

"Wanna get out of here sweetheart?" His lips touched my ear as he whispered.

"I thought you'd never ask," Smiling as I leave a tip. Throwing the rest of my drink back. The bartender had my card for my tab. I followed Simon out of the bar and opened his truck door letting me get in. It wasn't long before we pulled into his place. Following him into the house biting my lip as he slid his coat off. He also slid his boots off, so I did the same.Turning to me he raise a eyebrow.

"Well, come here ___?" He beckons me with his fingers. Following his command, walking over to him placing my hands on chest gently rubbing through the fabric.I felt him grab my hips. Looking up to him kissing him. He turned me around pushing me through a door frame. He pulled away pulling his shirt off. Lifting mine I follow suit. He backs me up into a dresser. Lifting me up so I was sitting on the dresser. Using my legs to pull him closer to me as he began to kiss my neck. Softly moaning, as he undoes my bra. He pulls away looking at me. I returned the favor looking over him. He worked out for sure, the hair one his chest thinned over his stomach only to thicken under his navel leading down. Subconsciously I licked my lips."You want to have a taste?" He teases me, I quickly lift my eyes away from his crotch,

Walking Dead Oneshots *Reqeusts Open*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora