Promise Me

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Finn and Will were at the jewelry store looking for something for Rachel from Finn.

"I want to get her back.." Finn was talking to Will while he looked through the glass cabinets. "Quinn blinded me and I realized that Rachel's the one for me." He walked up to Will with a sparkly bracelet. "Ehh?" he asked Will, he had NO IDEA what he was looking for.

"I know what you mean, Finn". Will was looking himself. "What about a necklace, or a promise ring?" he asked Finn pointing to a bunch of rings.

"Ooh! Good idea Mr. Schue!" Finn jumped at the idea. He picked out a silver ring with a light sapphire on it.

While Finn was picking out a box to go with it, the engagement rings caught Will's eye.

"Ready to go Mr. Schue?" Finn asked looking very happy with his decision.

"Yep. I'll meet you out by the car... I just have to, uh, use the restroom.." Will walked towards the bathroom while Finn got in the passengers seat of Will's car.


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