Chapter 2: The Mighty Lord Crystal

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Sorry for the late / short chapter i had no idea what else to write...and was satisfied on how it turned out...Enjoy chapter 2                

    "I'm back Kimmy, sorry I'm late, I had dinner with a couple friends." Said Kaname. When Kaname didn't get an answer he got really worried, so he went to the kitchen where Kimmy usually is and she wasn't there. So now he was even more worried than before. Finally he came to a room that was half cracked open, so he decided to take a look. He saw what appeared to be some kind of creature talking to Kimmy.

    "I am not telling you where he is, even if I knew where he was, I wouldn't tell you, Crystal. "     Said Kimmy. "Oh Kimmy if you were wise you would tell me where the boy is and i would leave u alone but all you earthlings are the same, you hold out until the person gets annoyed and kills you, just to protect the ones you love." Crystal said with a sly smile on her face. Then the smile turned into an evil frown, and she kicked Kimmy in the stomach with her knee and all her brute strength. This ticked     Kaname off pretty good, he then barged through the door, and then said. "Am I the boy you're looking for."                                                                                                                                                                         "Hmmmm, it depends whats your name." Crystal said."

"Kaname is my name"

"Ahhhhh, Kaname, wait why are you here where is your father"

"You knew my father.....?"

"No, but I've heard lots and lots of stories about him. Where is he?"

"I never knew my father...."

"What ever do you mean?"

"He died before I was even a year old." 

"Oooohhh, no I'm so sorry that must be so hard growing up without a know I lost my father before i was even born."

"How did he die?" Asked Kaname.

"Oh well your fathers friend tried to kill him and failed, but then your brother decided he should go and finish him off." "I'll let that sink in a bit see ya later kimmy....bye kaname." She said as she opened the window and flew out with a smirk on her face.

DragonBall - ZF(Zenkai Future)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora