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Beep, Beep, Beep

Fuck! I feel like I got hit by a bus. What's that beeping?

I flutter my eyes open, bombarded by fucking bright lights.

Crap! Crap, I'm still alive? Didn't I fall off a fucking building a tall one too for nothing?

I sit up looking around. I have a cast on both my legs, left arm, and I feel pain all over my stomach. Great. I try to kill myself and it doesn't work. Fuck my life.

I found the remote thing to call a nurse in. I start pushing vigorously until one finally came.

"Oh, you're finally awake! I'll go call your parents," she said rather enthusiastically.

"No, wait! What day is it?" Who knows how long I've been in this fucking hospital. Why I'm I so profane? Oh yeah, I wanted to die.

"Oh, of course, it's been two weeks since you've arrived."

"Thanks, I guess." Well, I feel like shit. The nurse left, I'm guessing to call my parents.

I sighed and decided to go to sleep. I really don't want to talk to my parents.


I wake up to hear an obnoxious sob, which I'm guessing it belongs to my mother. She always was an ugly crier.

I yawned and was about to take my hand through my hair but, I realized I was handcuffed to the bed.

What the fuck?!

My whole family looked at me and started crying even more. They all walked up to me and started hugging me, what is this a cheesy family movie?

"Get off of me," I said flatly. I don't need them hugging me I'm not five.

"What?" My mother looked at me with red puffy eyes.

"I said get the fuck off of me! I don't want you or my family here!" I was practically screaming by now. I don't want to be here. Why didn't I die?

My mother then slapped, like hard, like the way they do on The Real Housewives of New Jersey hard. My mother, the white as fuck lady, the one who is against domestic violence actually slapped me! I can't believe mom had the balls to slap a child, her child. It also hurts like hell. I wish I was in hell matter of fact.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it! You just got me so mad." She's practically begging me. Well, if she wants to slap me, I can play a game too.

I don't say anything to her, just ignore her. I turned my head and looked out the small window, gray as usual.

I hear a huff and my family walks out of the small, stuffy room, probably wanting to give me some space.

All I actually want is to be held.

The End of the BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now