Chapter 3: Did you just ask me out?

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Four's POV

THANK YOU CHRISTINA! We walk into the closet.

"Tris can we just talk about early." I ask because I can tell she doesn't want to get to physical in here.

"What's there to talk about? You were just being a perverted freak." She snaps at me.

"But that's not me." I say.

"Than what are."

I take a breath. "I am a man who thinks your a wonderful woman who I would like to ask out but can never come up with enough guts to. When I'm around you my heart beats fast and my hands get all sweaty."

That's why I'm sweating. Plus I'm claustrophobic and this is a small closet.

"Did you just ask me out?" she asks.

"You could say that," I say with a smirk on my face." Is that a yes?"

Tris is about to say something when Uriah opens the door. "TIMES UP YOU SILLY PANSYCAKES!"  He yells in our face. Come on she was about to answer. We walk walk out and it's Tris's turn.

"Uriah, Candor or Dauntless?" she asks.

"I ain't no pansycake. Dauntless!"

I see the evil grin on her face. "Uriah, my friend, I dare you to run around the pit in an outfit of Four's choice and yell "I'M A BIG FAT PANSYCAKE AND I KNOW IT" while twerking." She says while smirking. Damn she's hot. Next thing I know every ones staring at me and Tris is blushing.

"D-Did I say that out loud?" I ask.

Everyone slowly nods. Tris leans over and whispers in my ear "To answer your question in the closet..."

A/N: CLIFFHANGER! I update today for gleekgames. Thank you for commenting. If you guys comment I will update sooner. Thank you all for reading.

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