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McPhee married them the next day on his own authority, "and Sassenach laws be damned." She embarked on the Mary Jane the day they returned to Speyness.

Aside from a twinge of regret that Gran never saw her babies when they came, she lived happily in Nantucket the rest of her days. Their house there proved to be all Beth needed, and Rob, though he never shared her faith, saw to it she and the children sailed to the mainland for services as often as weather permitted.

Alec went to sea with Matt Thorpe and in due time captained a ship for Thorpe Brothers Maritime himself.  As to Rob, one voyage away from home convinced him he didn't need to sail away to love the sea. All he needed to be happy was a walk with his family along the shore, their snug home, and the arms of his tavern wench.

The End

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