Grab And Tag Race

Start from the beginning

"Later losers," He said taking off the muzzle and running away laughing.

"Okay, probably should have seen that coming," Chris said as Chef nodded. We then get into a line by the door. "Players, commence smashing and/or grabbing now." 

We all rush inside and start looking around. "Cameron, we need to talk." Cameron looked up at me in concern and confusion. "You seem scared of Scott more than usual... What else did you tell him?"

"I told him about Mike, and about how to activate Vito. I feel like a terrible friend," He said as I patted him on the shoulder.

"It's okay, I'll take over watching over him and making sure he has a chance with Zoey to actually tell her the truth." I said with a pain in my chest, but I ignored.

"Thanks, also goodluck." I nod before departing from him and searching for a key. It was then a mutant cockroach was about to attack me. It looked at me before leaving me be. I tilted my head confused as it decided to terrorize Jo instead.

"Mike!" I turn, after finding my key, to see Zoey being pulled into a bucket by her hair. I then see Mike get forced to help Scott as I go over and free Zoey. "Why didn't Mike help me?" She asked me as I just left. I wasn't the person who was going to tell her.

I then hear shouting and turn to see Chris with an angry Chef. 

"I'll help clean up after the challenge." I say as the two look at me, but I was already dashing after the others.

"Say hello to challenge part du, Grand Chef Auto. You've each been given a can of spray paint and a GPS map of the island. Your mission, race your go-carts around the island and be the first to graffiti tag three landmarks: The rock wall of looming disaster, the spooky tree in haunted forest, and the tippy top of a giant totem pole. Oh and the go-carts, you'll have to steal them... from Chef." Chef growled as Cameron gulped in fear. "The first player to completely tag all three landmarks wins immunity, and they get to choose who will be eliminated. Haha, alright, and go." He then walked away as we all stood there. I held my gray spray paint and GPS close to me as Chef glares us all down.

"Ohh, Chef's gonna stare us to death, big deal," Jo said as she high-fives Lightning.

"Nobody touches my stuff... nobody." He snaps his fingers and laser squirrels appear on the vehicles.

"Laser squirrels!" Cameron yells as they start shooting at all of us. I easily dodge them then help Zoey get them out of her hair with a glare and a glow of my eyes. We get to the go-carts first then race off as Cameron races with us. 

Zoey arrives first making a pink heart. I make a heart with an arrow in it. Cameron arrives and starts to work on something. "Um... you don't need to do that," I said, but he didn't hear me as I shrug and leave.

Zoey already tagged the second one as I arrived and tagged it before I got a transmission on my GPS. I stop in the woods to watch it. "Listen up, three landmarks wasn't hard enough, so I added a fourth. It's a dosy, a mountainside right in the center of the island. Now get packing and don't smear the paint, McLean out." I tilted my head in confusion at this because Chris didn't look well in the video, and the audio sounded like a mash up of different words all said by the same person, but at different times and pitches.

I reach the third one to see Mike, Zoey, and Scott. Zoey was hanging off the totem pole as Mike was defying Scott. 

"Zoey, let go I'll catch you." I say as Scott forced Mike to switch into Vito by ripping off his shirt. She does as told and with a soft wind I catch her. "Mike has Multiple Personality Disorder." That was all I said before I left her there stunned.

/"I know, but I had to tell her so she's not pissed at Mike." I say with a sigh.\

I arrive at Mount Chrismore? to see Mike having a fight with himself. Oh no. I do the only thing I could think of and pull him down into a kiss before releasing him. He blinked before looking at me. 

"Mike?" I ask as he nodded.

"Did did you...I won over them, but?" He was confused as I blushed and shook my head.

"Just forget it. I told Zoey, she seems fine with it, and she should be here soon. Hope you two end up together." I heard my voice crack at those last words as I felt tears in my eyes. I walked past him as Zoey arrived. I blocked them out as I saw Lightning coming in with Fang aiming for Scott. I jump and instantly knock Fang away from Scott, who got scared and fell off the monument as a breeze softened his decent as I landed.

"My face, my beautiful fifty foot concrete face!" Chris yelled before having snapping at Chef. I stop paying attention even after an explosion went off.

/"It hurts to love someone who likes someone else and that other person likes them back. I'm in a one way relationship that is just a friendship from his view." I fight the tears but a few fall down my face as I wipe at them.\

We're back at the firepit as I sit on the far side with Cameron.

"The real final landmark was the totem pole, so immunity and today's sole vote goes to the first person who completely tagged it...Scott." He cheers. "Scott, eliminate the player of your choice. Choose Lightning." He whispers the last part.

"No, eliminate Jo, he's a rat." Lightning said as I looked to Scott who was looking dead at me with a smirk. I shrink under his gaze and blush deeply.

"I choose Kid." Cameron, Mike, and Zoey gasp as I look at him in shock. I then look over to Chris and pull out the invincibility statue. Everyone gasps now. Scott looks shocked and confused.

"Sorry, Scott, I'm staying." I say without looking at him a virocity in my voice.

"Well, Scott, you heard him, choose someone else," Chris said.

"Mike," he said his eyes still glued to me. 

I go down to the dock with Mike as he gets into the hurl of shame. 

"Kid, here, this is for helping me with my personalities." He hands me a necklace with Vito on one side and Manitoba Smith on the other side. I giggle at it before hearing Zoey coming down.

"Well, cheer for your girlfriend from home." Saying the G-word physically hurt me as I held the necklace close before going to the cabin. Then I was pinned to the building by a certain ginger. I instantly heated up and breathing came in pants.

"You are clever, and now you'll be mine until we get to the finale together clear?" He said leaning close to me. I nodded as he kissed my cheek and then my ear. "Good, don't even think about going to your little friends about this or else I'll get rid of them just like Mike." He said in my ear sending a shiver down my spine. He kissed my cheek one last time before pulling away and actually smiling at me, albeit a small one, but a smile nonetheless. His blue eyes were still a mystery to me. He then left me a blushing, heart-thumping, breath quickened mess as I slid down the wall of the cabin. What am I going to do?

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